Chapter 68- The Last Will and Testament Of Richard C. Jones

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Stella's P.O.V.

I didn't let Hunter come with me even though he beg. I didn't want him to get into this and besides I'm only looking at a will what can possibly happen there are people around. I wish my Grandfather didn't write one but good thing he did because if he didn't my mother would be able to take everything and I didn't want that and neither does he. I walked into the office to see my 'family' already there figures. I sat down in an empty chair in the corner. I didn't want to be here. My phone buzzed and I looked it was Hunter. He's too cute.

Hunter- I love you <3 ;) 

Me- I love you too sweetheart :) <3 ;)

My snap chat notification popped up and I opened it Hunter had sent me a picture of Cole caption read he loves you too can't forget about him lol. 

Then another picture popped up it was Hunter and Cole together in a selfie the caption said we love you and in the picture Cole had his tongue out and Hunter just stared at him weirdly it was adorable. They are such goof balls. I took a quick picture and I caption it saying I love you boys too.

My sister was standing behind me and she leaned over my seat making me jump. "Hey sis he's cute what did you say his name was again?"

"Off limits Mary"

"Who says so Stella?"

"He does and so do I"

"Oh Stella Stella how long do you think he would stay with you like a week a months or little more how can he resist me no one can resist me for too long like your other boyfriends"

"You're just easy" I told her getting up from my seat and I walked to a different one. My sister glared at me. I could care less she can go find her owns guys and what I told her was true she was easy and maybe she was prettier than me because all my boyfriends did go for her. Man I don't.

I sat down uncomfortably next to my mother Winter.

"Hey sweetheart" she told me.

"Winter" I simply told her. She glared at me too.

The will guy came in saying his name was Mr.John. "Alright so we are here to discuss the last will and testament of Richard C. Jones" my mother shook her head yes and she acted sad even though I knew she was acting all those lessons paid off I suppose. 

So my Grandfather name was Richard C. Jones I never knew that pretty name.

"Alright so what I'm seeing he has letters for his whole family" he handed them out. "Please don't read it here his wishes comforts of your own homes or cars or whatever" my mother closed her note. I held my mind in my hand just taking in his handwriting. "So I'm going to read what he wrote here.. So I guess my two family's are here my loving family Stella and my other family that must have my daughter. Stella I know you're going to hurt and I'm sorry you are but that's life I suppose and I know it sucks but please remember that I love you and I will always miss you but we will meet up in a better place after your very long road ahead. I'm sorry I'll never be able to walk you down the aisle or hold your future kids. But just know I'm watching you grow just from above you know just a couple 100's light years away and I'll still look after you forever and always well now I guess it's my turn to look out for you. I'm sorry I was such burden for you and sorry you couldn't be a normal young adult I'm sorry...." he wasn't a burden at all I thought to myself. "I love you with all my heart Stella and I know you won't let go first and if your reading this that must have meant I had let go first I'm sorry Stella but I don't want to fight anymore I know it doesn't make sense to you know but I'm in a lot of pain and I don't like the blackouts and the time missing it will all make sense when your my age wait I hope you never go like the way I'm going I hope you go a little smoother or not go at all I hope you live to a 1,000 plus years. I love you to the moon and back millions and trillions of times so thank you for everything I know thank you isn't enough to pay you back for all your help and all the love you granted me but thank you and I love you........................ So that's that now I'm going to read what he left everything to" I felt the tears fall from eyes and the Mr.John handed me a tissue and I took it everyone looked at me weirdly. They just don't understand that I actually cared for him he was my family. "I leave the booth at the market to my Granddaughter Mary" I was shock she's going to ruin it though what is he doing I thought to myself.  "I know Stella you work hard but you don't want to do that for the rest of your life release me as your burden stop taking care of me. Besides Mary needs to act responsibly and this will do that sorry kid. My house and everything inside it and outside it belongs to Stella to do whatever she chooses with it. To my horrible daughter I leave you nothing haha so you can go now. That's all I have oh money right that I been saving for years now Stella that's also yours since you have helped me without asking you just helped I know you didn't do it for the money but it will help you if you need it but I doubt it because you got that millionaire boyfriend that will take care of you. You know Hunter told me how much he made and I almost started crying because I never saw that much money in my entire life GOSH he's a keeper." everyone in the room looked at me and Mary grinned. "OH so sorry Stella hey Mary he's off limits and the other one I forgot your name but whatever who really cares right off limits.. Anyway Stella I have a note for Hunter and his eyes only so don't read over his shoulder but when all this is over with and if he wants to share he may read it to you... But only IF he wants too.... Stella you know where I keep my money it's all yours to do whatever you want or need take a freaking trip to the UK with it or whatever might need one though..... Sweetheart good luck" 

"That's it?" my mother questioned. 

"Yes that is all he wrote" Mr. John said leaving us in the room alone.

"That bastard" my mother breathed. 

"Hey Winter shut up" I told her and she turned towards me her eyes wide open for what I just told her she got from her seat saying "What did you just say to me?"

"To shut the hell up" 

"That's what I thought" she told me and I smirked at her not really caring. "You know Stella I gave birth to you I raised you I gave you everything"

"Yeah ok Winter"

"So I haven't done any of that for you?"

"Sure you gave birth to me but you sure as hell didn't raise me or anything... Anything I wanted or needed I had to work for so please don't give yourself credit because you have done nothing for me" I got up from my seat and looked at her.

"I gave birth to you Stella please don't give me attitude you little brat and I did do everything for you so please"

"I wish you didn't give birth to me so I wouldn't have to hear you... You know I wish I had a mother and father or you know what thanks for giving birth to me you know thank you but I wished you gave me up for adoption like you had plan to"

"How did you know about that? I never told you or your siblings" she asked me shocked that I knew of this.

"I know things... And I read your diary" 

"You read my diary?" Winter questioned.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now