Chapter 27- Ring of Fire

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Stella's P.O.V.

Hunter had the day off from working in the studio and my Grandfather was back from the hospital finally he has been back for more than 2 months and now its hard to hang out with Hunter because all my free time went to my Grandfather and the booth and when I did have free time Hunter was busy.

I miss Hunter the last time we had more than a two minute conversation was when he spent the night when we hung out with Carrie and he has been on tour for two month. He has now been back for maybe 3 weeks. I miss him a lot.. I miss his smile and his laugh. I just plain out miss everything about him. But not today I was excited my Grandfather told me that he wanted me out of the house for the day so I asked Hunter if he was busy and he said he had the day off and he told me he was just about to call me to see if I can hang out. We finally decided to hang out. We were going to meet up at the coffee shop he wanted to pick me up but I told him not too worry about it because I live right down the street. So I walked into the coffee shop and order a Pumpkin Spice Latte for Hunter and order myself a chocolate chip frappe. I see Hunter walk in and looked around he didn't spot me out so he called me. I answer "Hi Hunter I need to talk to you about something real important"

"Alright what is it?"

"I'm leaving you for a much younger blonder man I can see him right now so don't meet up with me"

"What?" his face went to a real pale white like the Angel eye color in Supernatural.

I walked up to Hunter and kiss him on the cheek "I believe I found my very hot date" I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes.

"That's not funny don't play around like that you had me really believing right there."

"I know I'm sorry forgive me?" he shook his head yes. I smiled at him.

"So what do you want to do today Ariel?" he asked me while taking a drink of his coffee.

"Hmm Hunter do you want to hmm maybe walk down to the pier?"

"That sounds nice we can do that.... By the way thanks for the coffee"

"No problem"

We walked down to the pier and then water front we walked around and we talked a lot just catching up. And he held my hand the whole entire time. We had ice cream and since the Oktoberfest was in town we decided to go down and play some games and ride a couple rides.

"Hey Hunter want to ride the roller coaster?" he looked at the tall ring of fire I was pointing at again.

"You want to ride that babe but it goes upside down and it leaves you there?" he grew pale white again and he looked very frighten.

"PLEASE HUNTER you need a partner and you don't want me to go up there with a stranger now do you?"

"No I don't want you going up there with a stranger" he groaned getting in line with me. "I need to use the bathroom" he told me while putting his arms around my waist.

"Hunter you're just scared nothing can possibly go wrong. Alright? Everything will be just fine" I looked up at him and put my hands on his hands. "And after this we can ride whatever you want to"

"I want to ride that after" he pointed to the Ferris wheel.

"Aren't you afraid of heights Hun?"

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure this goes higher than that" I smiled up at him saying "I think this does too"

"I hope I don't lose my ice cream."

We got on the ride and they strapped us in and closed the cage Hunter looks terrified and he was sweating like Crazy.

"Hunter honey are you alright?"

"I think I'm going to be sick"

"Hunter do you want to get off before the ride starts I can call him back for us?"

"No I think I will be alright I'm alrighty on the ride.. And it just a little kid ride what can possibly go wrong other than I throw up on" he gave me a weak smile "Sorry if I throw on you."

"Oh Hunter." I chuckle a little bit he was acting so weird.

The ride started and Hunter screeched it was really cute.

We were flipped upside down and I screamed on top of my lungs. We went back down and up and down then it stopped upside down like it was supposed to then I heard a noise I looked over at Hunter who staring at the place where the cracking sound came from I looked over to see one of the chords breaking. We stayed upside down for at least 10 minutes and we heard talking from below us.. They said they got the machine to work again and we went around the ring of fire again. We got off the ride again everyone telling the workers off like they did it. Me and Hunter walked past the angry mob of people.

"Sorry Hunter" I apologized for picking that ride.

"Whoa don't be sorry it wasn't your fault the machine broke or whatever that was."

"I know but I still picked the ride... Are you ok?"

"I'm fine just a little light headed..Ariel how about you? he looked rather concern. He took my hand in his.

"Fine light headed too... I promise you we can do what ever you wanted"

"Yeah ok so no rides"

"Alright no rides" I kissed his cheek.

"So we can play some games if you like"

"Lead the way honey" I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked.

We played some games and he won me at least 10 stuff animals.

"Alright so how about we play one more game and then go and grab some dinner. What do you think?"

"We can do that Hunter"

We went to the clown game where you have to squirt water in the clown's mouth to blow up the balloon.

Hunter and I got really competitive and we yelled at each other. I won the game and my prize was a big unicorn like in despicable me.

I looked at hunter saying "It's so fluffy"

he laughed so did I.

We acted so stupid playing that game it was really fun though.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now