Chapter 6- Are dates in the air?

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Next day

Hunter's P.O.V

Forgot it I'm calling her I thought to myself. Its only been like two days but I just can't wait no longer. I picked up my phone and started dialing her number I looked at my arm for her number still there from when she wrote it with the sharpie thank god It didn't come off I would have been screwed. I got the dial tone waiting waiting waiting then i heard this. "Hey this is Stella I'm not reachable at the moment so I must be busy probably or I just don't like you but anyway I'm not here obviously but please leave your name and why you are calling me and why you're wasting my time oh and don't forget your number and I just might call you back if I like you so bye bye love ya". I hung up not leaving a voice mall. I thought to myself that has to be the best voice mail ever. I decided to call again 10 minutes later. Ringing Ringing Ringing nothing but Ringing but just as I went to hang up I heard "Hello" "Hello" "Are you there?" "Hello".

"Yeah I'm here It's Hunter I don't know If you remember me but.. we met like two days ago at your booth thingy" I told her I slapped my face Pathetic I thought.

"Oh Hey Hunter how could I forget you" she said laughing she most have heard me slap myself.

"Yeah I made quite the impression dropping my food everywhere" I said rolling my eyes could I sound anymore less cool. 

"Don't feel bad Hun it was hectic that day" ...... Awkward silence.... "I was wondering" ....... Silences again.....

"Yes. You know you don't have to be so nervous just asked your question and I will answer honestly scout's honor" I heard her lift her hand up and she laughed.

"Well i was wondering".... Silent again.....Pathetic..... I started again clearing my throat. this time " I was wondering if you wanted to hang out in a date sorta way we don't have to if you don't want to we could just hang out no problem it's just that I want to get to know you more and you're very pretty" .I trailed off thinking how pathetic am I. 

"Hunter calm down its ok I would love to go on a date with you I really would I want to get to know you better too if you want to pick me up at 7ish" she said.

"Yeah totally" I did a little jump in the air throwing my arms up.

"Great I will text you my address well I got to go somebody just walked up to my booth and my partner in crime left for a potty break talk to ya later".

"Bye see you later" I told her.

"Not if I see you first" she said hanging up the phone.

The line died

"Yes, Yes" I said jumping up and down for about what seemed like 20 minutes I can't wait for tonight I just can't.

Stella's P.O.V- Moment the line died

Oh my god oh my god I thought to myself I can't believe he asked me out I

started jumping up and down up and down up and down.

Violet came back and I started saying "Hey Vi , Vi Guess What Guess what?"

"What?" she asked starting to jump up and down up and down with me.

"The very cute blonde Hunter just asked me out and we have a date at 7 o' clock " I told her laughing.

She stopped jumping with me. I continued she grab me and I stopped and then she said "Wait the same Diary Hunter that was holding hands with that girl yesterday Hunter"?.

"Yeah" I said.

"He's in a relationship" she told me.

"Apparently not because he asked me out" I told her.

"He could be two timing you and that girl" she said crossing her arms.

"I don't think he's like that" crossing my arms at her.

"How do you know that you only knew him for what like 3 days and you had 2 conversations with him" she told me.

"So...... but" I told her she interrupted me.

"I'm sorry I'm a bit over protective over you I bet he's not doing that but find out for me so I know not to kick his ass k"? she said cheering up.

"Ok I will" I told her smiling at her.

"I mean it too I will.. no one hurts my girl" she said hugging me "But I swear on everything I'm happy for you" she told me.

"Awww.... Thank you" I said hugging her back.

"Oh I even watch the booth today if you want and you could go and shop for an outfit and get ready for the date" she told me.

I looked at her saying "Wait what is wrong about the way I'm dressed!!?"

"Oh sweetheart your going shopping" she said with her arms crossed and looked disappointed at me.

I looked at my outfit she was right I can't go in my pajamas bottoms and an ugly tank top that look like someone barf all over it tie dying didn't turn out the way I hoped it would.

"Well off to shop for the big date" she told me.

"Bye" I told her grabbing my purse and leaving.

"Bye girly go give him hell" she told me with a smile and a head nod.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now