Chapter 50-I'm Just So Sick and Tired of This Hunter

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Hunter's P.O.V.

"Why not?" I asked Stella.

"Hunter because you're never home and when you are home it still feels like you're at work. We haven't even really talked in the last year you have been on tour. And I have to worry all the time about girls hitting on you Hunter and I just can't sit around while you are always having fun and working your butt and I love that you are working I do and I love how you're so proud of it and I'm proud of you I'm really am. But I'm also here alone.. With really no one to talk to I have to fight just to talk to you and I sit by my phone all day long wondering Hey you think he will call me today.. But then you don't return my calls then I'm wondering what you're doing and if you found someone better than me. And I can't just tell you hey calm down on the music I can't tell you to stop touring or making music because that would just suck if I did that to you... That's who you are I don't want to change tat"

"Do you want me to stop making music?" I asked her as I got off my seat of the couch.

"No no of course not Hunter I just don't like to be in the shadow of everything. I want to wake up every morning with you my side and kids in the other room. I want to wear a white dress one day. I want to hear from you when you are touring and when you're just out. I want to hear you say you love me everyday and I want to say it to you every single day"

I squat down in front of her taking her hands saying "I'm so sorry Stella if I left you out that's not what I meaning to do. I promise I won't anymore. I do try to talk to you everyday and I want to call you everyday just to hear your beautiful voice and to tell you that I love you"

"I know Hunter" she basically yelled at me. 

"Then why are we fighting?" I asked her.

"Jeez I don't know..... I'm just so sick and tired of this" she moved her hands away from mine. I'm not liking where this going I thought to myself.

"Well you signed up for this when you said you wanted to be my girlfriend" I stood up and walked away from her. 

"Oh and this is some how my fault that you keep leaving me out of everything"she snapped back at me.

"No it's not my fault either you know that too.. You also know that I have to do what they want me to since I signed my contract"

"Why don't you marry you're stupid freaking contract" she told me. I crossed my arms............ "It alrighty feels like it" she mumbled.

"Stella Please" I told her while rolling my eyes

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now