Chapter 94- Sir You Can't Be In The Overhead

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I kissed Stella and she grabbed my leg digging her nails into it. "Baby you're hurting me" I told her.

"Oh sorry" she apologized.  

I kissed her again. "I really got to go now"

"NO!!" she grabbed me again and she kissed me. 

I kissed her neck mumbling "I'm gonna be late"

"So... you don't need to be there till 12"

"And it's 11 you know how Nashville traffic is"

"I know" she told me as she let out a long sad sighed.

"I'll be back back before you know it Ariel"

"And I can't come with you this time? I'll stay out of the way like way out of the way"

"I would absolutely loved if you came but you just can't this time I'm sorry" I told her between kisses I gave to her on her neck. 

"And Hunter you promise you'll keep in touch with me not like last time?.... And you promise we'll keep planning our wedding more?"

"I promise on both" I told her as I looked at her.

"You promise you're promise?" she asked me sternly.

"Yeah I promise my promise"

"Good.... Now promise me 5 more long minutes?"

"Fine 5 minutes that's all or I'm going to be late" I told her as she leaned back on the bed smiling up at me as I leaned over her kissing her. 

*30 minutes later*

My phone rang "Shit"

"Crap you're late" she told me.

"Yup" I grabbed my phone. I answered it saying "Hey sorry I'm coming traffic is crazy out here" Stella had her phone and she placed it by mine and she pressed play and a car horn honked we had a system when I'm late. "I got to call you back I'll be there soon Sammy there are cops everywhere bye..." I hung up and I put my phone down I got up from the bed and I put my tee shirt on. I got my charger and I put it in my suit case. "Hey have you seen my belt Ariel?"

I looked up and she was holding it "You looking for this?" she asked me.

"Yes" I sat on the bed and I put on my converse I looked over at her and she gave me her look and she shook her head no as I stuck out my hand for my belt.

I leaned over and kissed her and she put the belt around my waist pushing me closer to her. "I really got to go.............. I'm going to get in trouble................I'm alrighty late" we stopped kissing and she let go of the belt.

"Sorry... I just don't want you going you'll be so far away from me" she told me and I put on my belt I grabbed my bag. She got up from the bed with my blanker around her. We walked to the front door. 

"Be good Cole alright? Don't give Stella a hard time." I patted his head and I kissed him he licked my face. I got up and went to the door.

"Make sure you do call me alright Hunter?"

"Alright Stella remember to lock the door behind me" I turned around and gave her a kiss. "I love you"

"I love you too Hun" I grabbed my bag and started walking down the hallway. I heard the door shut after a minute or two.

I turned around and I walked to my door I opened it and I walked in and I kissed a very surprised Stella I laughed saying "You forgot to lock the door"

"Sorry" she told me as I kissed her again.

"I love you" I told her.

"I love you too Hunter now go before you miss your flight"

"Right love you" I gave her one last kiss at the door. "See ya later Cole"

 I kissed Stella one more time and I walked down the hall way I heard her say my name "Hunter I Love you too now go have fun and don't forget to call me" I looked behind me to see blanket wrapped Stella looking at me full of smiles but she's looking awfully sad.  GOD I alrighty miss her. I continued to walk down the hall when I was stopped by my neighbor Miss. Robertson looking at me like I just committed the worst crime in the entire world. "What?" I asked her.

"You're a disgrace to mankind you're not even married"

"Not everyone has to be married besides we are engaged Miss. Robertson" I started walking away from her.

She screamed down the hall saying "IT'S NOT THE SAME MR.HUNTER" 


I finally made it the airport at 12:20 just in time. I boarded the plane and I sat next to Sammy "Hey" I told him.


"Sorry" I told him.

"Nice of you to join us" Matt said while throwing his bag in the overhead. 

We all sat down and I turned my phone to airplane mode and I texted Stella 

Me- Hey Stella did you lock the front door?

Stella- YEAH I DID!! I didn't forget I swear :)

Me- Well check again and like snap chat the door lock because I don't trust you.

My snap chat notification went off and I looked at it. It was a picture of my door and it was locked. 

I texted her saying. 

Me- Thanks love you Ariel ;) <3 

Stella- I love you too Charming Happy Feet Hun you.

She has so many nicknames for me its so cute and its so funny to see her struggle on trying to fine me the perfect nickname.

"So Hunter do you think you can still basically sit in the over head?" Sam asked me.

"I don't know and we aren't seeing again I'm not getting yelled at by a flight attendant..... again" 

Matt sat behind us and so he got up and leaned over saying in a girly voice "Sit you're not supposed to be in the overhead... Even tho you don't weigh anything and you're a size of a sharpened pencil"

"SHUT UP" I told him as I push his face back from us. He laughed. "I'm not the size of a pencil give me some credit here"

"I said a sharpened pencil" Matt told me. All the guys started laughing at me.

"I'm serious guys... You're not even funny"  

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now