Chapter 32- Hunter's Parents

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Stella's P.O.V.

I walked into the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror I looked worst then how I feel. I walked back out to hear Hunter's Mother whispering to him. "Hunter baby you didn't hit the poor girl did you?"


"Well no I'm just making sure.. I don't want my baby boy to get into trouble.. We can give her hush hush money if you did"

"Mother please" I heard her shhhh him and a big slap sound came and someone else saying

"Don't raise your voice to you mother Hunter"

"Owwwwwwwwww.... I wasn't"

"Leo don't hit Hunter"

"Alright" I heard Hunter snickered as the person said ok.

"You going to get slapped again Hunter" which just made them all laugh for some reason.

"You know Hunter you're mother is only looking out for you"

"I know but I swear to GOD I didn't I promise.."

"Well what happened then?" his mother asked.

"That's really not my place to say sorry"

I then walked in saying "You're right Hunter it's mine"

They looked at me and Hunter sunk in his chair and everyone in the room grew quiet.

"How long were you standing there?" a man asked which must be Leo Hunter's father.

"Enough.. To answer all your questions no Hunter didn't hit me.. I don't know why people keep on thinking that... My Grandfather is very sick and he has Alzheimer and some other Disease that is making him go crazy.. And he thought I was someone else and he hit me.."

"Oh I'm so sorry Sweetheart" Mrs. Hayes told me.

I smiled at her as I sat in a chair at the kitchen island next to Hunter.

"Anything else you guys want to know about.. When I get my period possibly or how many times I drink water in a day?"

Leo looked at me shocked that was harsh. He then looked at Hunter with a huge smile on his face he told Hunter "She's a keeper you better marry her boy.. She doesn't take any crap" he looked at me saying "How do you take Hunter's crap all day he's so annoying sometimes how do you it"

"Hey dad right here"

"Yeah hi son" we all start laughing as Hunter pouted.

Lynette passed out some cake and we all ate it. We actually ate the whole cake. I never seen such bigger slices of cake before. I have no idea how I manage to eat all the pieces she gave me but I did it. It was the best cake I ever had. Me, Hunter, and his parents talked basically all night long just getting to know each other better. They showed me embarrassing pictures of Hunter growing up he was telling her to stop showing them like 600 times he was turning red and everything from embarrassment. He eventually left the room which was cute. All the pictures Mrs. and Mr.Hayes showed me where so cute Hunter was always so adorable.

Hunter family really seemed to like me quite a lot so score for me.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now