Chapter 10- Date Night Continue.... Park. Ice Cream Shakes. will you be mine?

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Hunter's P.O.V.

Oh my god I made her cry I thought to myself as I opened the passenger side door for you. I didn't mean too. I feel so bad. I wonder what is so wrong with her Grandfather. I don't even want to ask because. I don't want to see her cry again that almost made me cry.

I glanced over at her... She was looking out the passenger side window. We been silent for over an hour now so I decided to break the silence.

"Hey" She jumped. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Oh great now I scared her. I'm on a freaking role tonight.

"Oh it''s ok" she told me still looking the window.

I wonder if she is mad at me. Damn did I blow it.

"Ohm would you like some Ice Cream or do you just want me to take you home"? I asked her.

She was silent for a minute or 3 it felt like forever. She looked at me smiling saying

"Why would I want you to take me home I thought there was was a second part of the date that includes Ice Cream".

"Ok I wasn't sure but where alright here. This place has the best cheese fries in the country and the best ice creme of all time" she smiled again.

I got out of the car and as soon as she opened the door I grabbed it and pushed it all the way open for her.

"You know I am very capable to open the door Prince Charming" she told me while fixing her dress.

"I know but this is so much more fun Ariel" she looked at me and her face grew a huge smile.

"You know that's my favorite Disney Princess and just so you know Prince Charming belong to Snow White not Ariel" she said walking towards the door to the 'Rockin' Road' 'Icea Cream polar' Weird name I always thought.

"But all the princess did in fact have a Prince Charming" she turned to me as I said that.

"True True you got me there". I laughed and said

"Boom Roasted. And its kinda sad that I know that" She laughed. "Kinda"

"What do you want also" as we looked at the ice cream.

She looked at the menu at all the ice cream and pointed to the rocky road.

"Ok would you like that in a cone, shake, bowl, or in your hand"?

"What in my hand are you serious Hunter. She laughed and to keep her balanced she grabbed onto my jacket she covered her mouth.

I hate when she does that cover her mouth while she laughs that wonderful laugh.

"I would like it in a shake please" she says between laughs.

"Ok" I looked at the ice cream to but I don't why I did I always order the same thing all the time.

I walked to the cashier and said "Hi Rosa What's up? You look stunning like always".

She was an older lady black hair that was turning silver from age. She had a mole on her lower lip. But other than the mole she was quite beautiful. And was she tall she always made fun of my height all the time. She's always like where did you go I can't see you.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now