Chapter 8- Date Night Continue: Resturant

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Hunter's P.O.V

Stella and I walked into the restaurant it was classy but really run down but you still need a reservation to get in the joint for some reason I have no freaking clue they probably think it's still the 1930's but whatever they had amazing French food since it is a french restaurant. We walked by the waiter guy. You could tell he was stuck up all in his white suit and long nose.

"Name!!!" he yelled at me in a french accent not even bothering to look up I heard Stella start to snicker and snort from behind me. And that made him look up at her he probably thought it came from a pig from the back that got out.

"NAME PLEASE!!" he yelled again. I looked at Stella because she grab my jacket she made a face and covered her mouth with her hands trying real hard not to laugh. I looked at the waiter guy and I said "The name is Hayes. Hunter Hayes" I smiled. The waiter looked at Stella and said "Ma'ma are you alright" all she did was shake her head. He looked up at me and looked at his list he told me it would be a couple minutes due to us being like two minutes late from our laughing fit. We walked to the side and she uncovered her mouth her face was as red as her outfit.

"Are you alright" I asked her.

"Yeah totally fine" she started laughing again "It's just" laughs again "It's just". She covers her mouth. I wonder if she's self conscious about her laugh because every time she laughs she covers her mouth.

"Why don't you text it to me it might be easier for you" she was still laughing. She took out her cell and started typing she stopped a couple of times due to her burst of laughing fits and she texted me like a whole paragraph finally my phone ding I took it out of my pocket.

It read that guy OH MY GOD. That guy is so freaking stuck up and his nose is like a banana I'm so so sorry I'm usually not so judge mental and such but that guy is just oh my god I never laughed this hard in my entire life. Also I hope he doesn't spit in our food Damn now I'm worried. Sorry if he does.

I laughed. I text her back saying Don't be sorry with a winky face ;). She looked up at me and smiled. God I love her smile I thought to myself its absolute beautiful. The waiter guy called me up "Hey blonde boy and Miss laugh a lot come your table is ready" he stepped from behind the counter and then I couldn't see him anymore.

I heard Stella whisper to me "Where did he go" I shrugged. He came behind the counter and started walking. Stella quickly covered her mouth and turned red.

Here we go again I thought laughing a little myself. The waiter was probably like 4'5 feet I finally felt proud for the very first time in my entire life that I was 5'6.

The Waiter looked at us and said "Inside or Outside"?. I looked at her and asked her "What Do You Want"?.

"Ummmm inside is fine" she told me. I looked at the waiter and said with a big smile "inside please".

"You got it follow me then" he started walking to the back of the place we had to be extra careful.People were everywhere and it was hard not to get hit by a whole bunch of chairs and people who weren't paying attention. I turned around to see Stella no longer following me. A guy had his chair pulled all the way out and there was no where else to go. I started walking towards her and this is what I heard the guy say.

"Hey sweet heart you want to join my little party" he asked her.

"Hell no I'm not going to join you're creepy ass party now please move your chair" she told him.

He just looked at her and said "Why should I move my chair for you"

"I said please didn't I... And if you're in the middle of the aisle that's a safety hazard you know"? she told him.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now