Chapter 67- Reception

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I sat in a seat and Stella was sitting on my lap since there was not another place to sit really. I leaned my head against her back talking to her. "Hey girly are you alright?"

"Yeah I suppose I just miss him"

"Yeah I know... Hey Stella can you get up for a moment I need to go the the bathroom" she got off of me. And I left... I walked back to her she was yelling at someone who I think is her mother they look a lot alike. Sorta...

"I told you Winter that he didn't want you here" Stella told her.

"I'm your mother don't disrespect me"

"You aren't my mother"

"I gave birth to you"

"You did but you were never a mother to me.. Violet's mom is my true mother and.. Grandma."

"Oh please Stella" a girl said coming into the conversation.

Winter snapped at her sister saying "WHAT DO YOU WANT MARY?" 

"Oh hold on Mother I see a guy with my name written all over him" she walked up to me saying "Hey cutie pie" I just stared at her. "Hey Stella who is this he's new too young to be Gramps friend"

"Not for you" Stella walked in front of me telling her.

"Oh one of your boyfriends that just makes him more cute" she told Stella and I rolled my eyes. 

"Please just go" Stella told them both.

"Stella please your sister is working" her mom told her.

"So what's your name blonde boy?" she asked me.

"In your dreams" I told her. I walked around Stella and grabbed her hand and we walked to a chair. 

"Alright that's fine we'll catch up later when Stella isn't around" she yelled after us.

"I don't want them here" Stella told me.

"Alright then they don't have to stay... But who are they?" 

"Do you see the tall brunette women who looks real bad and ugly?" I shook my head yeah "That's my mother Winter... The fat short blonde girl is my oldest sister Carol, the one next to her the tall skinny red head that's the middle child that's Mary.. The two guys next to them are my brothers their twins Randy and Robert.. And the short nerdy guy with the glasses is the second youngest Mumble odd name I know."

"Oh so why don't you like your family?" I asked her.

"There a bunch of bullies... My sisters as you saw like to steal boyfriends. My brothers just leave me out of everything and like to pull mean pranks that go way to far.. My mother is the one that bullied me the most I don't know why she hates me so much but she does"

"And where's your dad?"

"I don't know he ran out on the family couple years ago he never loved my mother anyway they were together for the sake of it.. My mom has acting money don't ask me how she's got acting gigs but she did and when my dad left her he took most of her money with him"

"Stella that really suck I'm so so sorry"

"Hey it's alright you think all that matters to me now it doesn't bother me anymore... Growing up it did I missed many Christmas's and birthday's and seeing my mother get all proud over my siblings over their c-  grades averages and stuff that really don't bother me anymore I really can care less now"

"That's horrible" I told her.

"I know but it's totally fine"

Stella got up from where we were sitting and I got up with her she walked over to her family and said "HEY you need to leave right now or I'm going to move you now move along"

"You wouldn't hurt us we are family"

"You're wrong Winter I would hurt you" 

"Sure you would honey"

"I'm going to call the cops if you guys don't leave" I told them I made Stella jump I don't think she knew I was there right behind her the whole entire time.

"Fine we'll leave but we will see you tomorrow for the will" I saw Stella rolled her eyes at her mother.

Winter got real close to Stella and whispered something to her but I couldn't hear what she said but Stella looked real worried. "I think the door's are that way miss" I told her pointing to the door. She chuckled and walked away. Stella's sister walked around me and I rolled my eyes and told her "Go door that way shoo" she rolled her eyes and walked away with her mother and the others followed. I turned to Stella asking "Are you alright baby?"

"Yup fine"

"What did she say too you?" 

"Who knows with all that swearing" Stella told me.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя