Chapter 38- Talk with Kim

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Hunter's P.O.V.

"Hunter what the hell was that? Since when did you have to ask permission to talk to people?" Kim said snapping at me.

"Well she is my girlfriend I don't want her to be uncomfortable with anything" I told her.

"She's your girlfriend?" she asked me.

"Yeah" I told her with a smile. I love just calling Stella my girlfriend its cute.

"Oh I see" she looked at the ground all hurt. She looked back up to me saying "Oh what the hell what do I have to lose anyways" she grabbed my face and kissed me. It took me a second to realize what was going on and I lightly pushed her off of me and wiped my mouth. That was the most disgusting kiss I have ever had I thought to myself. 


"What do you mean what the heck. I like you Hunter a lot more like I love you.. I want you to call me yours since we first met all those years ago"

"Kim I never wanted to be with you I'm sorry but we are never going to happen. I don't love and I don't like you.. I see you as a sister that I constantly have to look out for so she doesn't fall into any trouble"

"OH well stop seeing me in a sister way and give me a kiss would you alrighty"

"Kim did you even hear a word I just said or what?.... Kim you want to be with me because I'm the only one you haven't slept with on this block"

"Hunter Easton Hayes don't speak to me like that. I'm not like that and you know it"

I started to name all the guys she dated on the block and the surrounding blocks and the relationships she had broken up. I had talk to them all and I know all their stories. Me and all those guys are good friends she looked hurt as I said all the names.

"Look Kim I love you I do your my little sister alright? And I'm here for you when you really really need me but I'm never going to be yours I don't love you in that way at all"

"But you love her in that way don't you?" she asked me.

"Yeah I really do....... And one day you will find a nice guy to view you that way too but its not never going to be me" I kissed her cheek she looked at me and smiled I got up from my seat on the curb. 

"Hey Hunter can we still be friends?" she asked me with a slight smile and hopefulness in her eyes.

"For now I think its best if we aren't" I turned around and walked back to Stella who was sitting on the bench swing she was looking up at the million of stars that were peaking out tonight. She stopped the swing so I can sat down next to her. I sat down and looked at her saying "She kissed me just to let you know I didn't kiss back I swear to GOD I didn't."

"I know I saw I checked up on you. You were gone for like 45 minutes. Nice reaction and nice for not kissing her back. You totally earn like millions of boyfriend points" she told me.

"Why would I kiss her back that's disgusting" she shrugged. "Hey Stella?" she turned her head and as she did so I kissed her lips. Every time I kiss her I feel tons and tons of butterflies I get so nervous when I'm around her I can't breath she drives me wild I love her a lot. We turned our attention to the sky. 

"Hey Hunter you want to play a game?" 

"No not when you ask me like that" I told her jokingly.

"No I'm serious Charming please" 

"Yeah sure what's the game?"

"Let's count the stars and see how many there are" 

"Alright.... 1" I started

"2" she said. 











Author's Note

The stars counting game might be confusing so it goes Hunter then Stella... Also I sped up time they didn't just jump from 37 to 3,000 they counted to 3,037 and so on. Just if you all were confused I didn't want you guys to be confused lol..

But thanks for everyone who is reading that means that world to me. I will be updating real soon I pre-wrote almost 100 chapters like no joke.... :) 

 Also guys please comment and vote I love hearing what you all think. 

Thanks again loves :) <3 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now