Chapter 14- Hospital...... Alone.......

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Stella P.O.V.

I sat there all by myself. Many people walked around. Sat by me some made small talk with me I made small talk with them..... But they all left called by different doctor's. No doctor came to me nor will they tell me anything. I'm just left in the dark. So I just sit. I couldn't eat. I didn't drink. I didn't get up.I didn't pee. None of this was important to me. I am afraid if I get up I will miss a doctor. I am bored I forgot my phone. I'm cold all I'm in are sweatpants with a pink Chester cat tank top no sweater no .......nothing. I didn't have time I don't have a car so I can't go back home to grab one I would't leave any ways. I'm scared to go home. It's lonely there too. I should call someone to get me but Vi is out of town on vacation with her fiance. And I don't know anybody else to call. I need friends but friends are no good to me they always break my heart they all hate me that's the real reason I left Paris mostly Grandfather yes he needed me but I hated to get bully at college boyfriends cheat with your so called best friends. There no one cared for me. There best friends run over your cat Sprinkles with a car on purpose. They teased me.... Called me an ugly guy and they made fun of the way I laugh. They said I sounded like Seth Rogen the when I laughed. They always made fun of everything about me. I forgot what laughing was truly like. When I was hanging out with Hunter the other night I felt laughter felt like true laughter. I haven't laughed like that in a very very very long time. People use to trip me in the hall ways gezz it felt like High School but the thing is I was kinda popular in High School not popular like I was the head cheerleader everyone always knew me and they loved me I had friends that cared well till college. I don't talk to anyone but Vi. In college I guess people there never grew up they thought it was still High School. I felt Invisible every time I walked through those college doors. I almost didn't finish college I got depressed so I just sat in my dorm eating junk food, and watched Doogie Howser M.D, I also watched other soap's like Days Of Our Lives. I finished college I came back strong once I met a guy names Marcel a white french man who was super nice but it turns out he just wanted my left over home work because he was taking that class next year. I'm never Wanted. Always Invisible. I sometimes feel like I'm melting away. I wipe my eyes and decied to give Vi a call. I walked over to the pay phone and dialed her up. She didn't answer. I tried again no answer I slammed the phone down people looked. I leaned my head against the pay phone I looked over at my arm still there was a very faint but still readable Hunter Hayes phone number. I dialed him up. No answer. I dialed again.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello? Who is this?

"Oh hey Hunter it's Stella".

"Oh hello Stella long time no speaking too.. Could you hold on a minute its kinda loud in here". Music was playing in the background and guys were laughing and fighting over the last slice of pizza.

"Yeah Yeah Sure"

I heard a guy tell Hunter "So Hunter is that your girlfriend on the other line she decide to call you after all this time its about time what's her name again Kim?? NO NO NO we all hate her you also hate her. So who else could it be Rosa? NO NO NO too old for you it would be like dating your great grandmother. Oh right it must be Stella. Girlfriend Stella. So little woman in your life Hunter its so easy to narrow down the list.

Hunter replied to him saying "Shut up Matt one so what if I don't have like 30 girls in my life I just need two Rosa because she makes the best fries and has the best ice cream around here and Stella because she is real nice and pretty. And Stella isn't my girlfriend.

"Ahhhh right I forgot she turned you down..... So down "

"She didn't exactly turn me down fully.... You know what Matt shut up"

I heard a slap and a guy laughing saying "Owwwwwwww Hunter don't be such a girl geeeezzzzzzzzz besides I'm holding my bass OK be careful I just cleaned it and re-sting it.

I heard Hunter mumbled "Oh my god Matt so sorry" The guy laughed.

I heard a door closed.

"Hello? Are you still there Stella? Sorry I had to go to the other room my band was being loud.


"Yeah remember I sing?"

"Oh right" I told him in a low voice.

"Hey are alright? You don't sound so good."

"I'm ok I guess....... Just sad...."

"Why are sad sweetheart?"

"Hey Hunter are you busy?"

"No not really me and the band just got done with recording so now were just hanging around because we got nothing better to do. Why?"

"Oh well if you're hanging with your band then never mind".

"No tell me what you were going to ask"

"I was wondering..... Well if you wanted to come to the hospital and sit with me"

"Wait? What? Why? Are you alright?

"I'm fine for now.... Just waiting for some super long test results"

"What? Wait? Are you sick or something?"


"Then what??? You're killing me woman!!"

I sniffled

"Are you alright Ariel?"

"No not really its my Grandfather............."

"Where are you?"

"Red Heart Cross Hospital. I'm in the surgery waiting room"

"I'm on my way"

"No Hunter if you're busy then....." He cuts me off saying "I'm coming sweetheart"

I heard him say "Hey guys I got to go"

"Awwwwwww Hunter why break up the Jam we need your voice"

"Use Sam he's real good at singing... I need to go"

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah Sammy I'm fine"

"Then why are you all tensed up now and you have a worried look on your face"

"Sam I'm fine I will text you later ok? And don't give me that look Devo. Hand me my cord will you tho?"



"Make sure you do text us OK?"

"Yeah Devo I will... I promise.

I heard a Door shut.

"Hello are you still there"?


"I'm on my way OK? I have to hang up now so I can drive alright? I will see you soon"



"Wait Hunter"


"Thank you I really needed someone"

"You're Welcome......"



I sat down Waiting.... Waiting....... Waiting....... Waiting..........


Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now