Chapter 91- Surprise!!!

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Stella's P.O.V.

Hunter found out everything about this girl. He talked to Crystal's mother over the phone turns they live in the UK... So Hunter is taking me to the UK. We landed and we were driving to this girl's house. "OH GOD I"M SO EXCITED" I told Hunter from the backseat of our little UK car where I was changing. 

"You're going to get the police to pull us over" he told me.

"So" I told him smiling. 

"Could you please put your seat belt on. You're making me super nervous"

"Well you should have given me more time to change at the hotel"

"You were taking forever to pick an outfit."

"So... Hunter that's what girls do we change 600 times" I kissed his cheek and I hopped back into the front seat and I put my seat belt on. "Better Happy Feet?"


We turned into the girl's driveway about 20 minutes later. We got out of the car and I was super nervous all of a sudden. We walked to the door and Hunter knocked loudly on the door. An old lady opened the door "Hello" she told us.

"Hello I'm Hunter and this is my fiance Ste-"


"Quite mother you're going to ruin the surprise" I saw a younger women saying as she came to the door. "I'm sorry hi I'm Crystal's mother Joanna but you can just call me Jo and I can't thank you two enough for coming.. Come on in."  both of the girls moved from the door and Hunter walked in first and I followed him. 

"You're house is very beautiful" I told Jo.

"Awww thanks so much I try you're name is Stella correct?"

"Yeah that's me" 

"My daughter literally can't stop talking about you guys duets she loves the chemistry you guys have when you're singing and she's always on Twitter making sure no one talks bad about you" she told me with a huge proud mama smile. 

"Me well" I told her laughing. 

"Ma I need my inhaler" I heard someone say from the kitchen. 

"I'll be right back I have to make sure she has her inhaler before she meets you two" and with that she left the room.

I looked at who most be Crystal's Grandmother. "Hi" I told her.

"Hi" she told me not really interested in what I had to say she sat on the couch. I looked over at Hunter and then Jo came back into the room. 

"Alright so I have an idea I just want you guys to be as quiet as little mice and she if she notices you guys just act as normal as ever" 

"Alright" Hunter told her with his most charming smile. She turned around and I hit Hunter in his side he looked at me with a confused face.

"HEY HEY DON'T YOU DARE USE THAT SMILE LIKE THAT WITH HER" I screamed at him in an whisper.

"What I smile like this all the time"

"Yeah ok" I told him in a mocking whisper.

"What?" he asked.

"Just ok" I told him.

"Alright" he whispered back.

We followed Jo into the kitchen we were super duper quiet and we hung out in the back.

"Hi ma" a girl was sitting on a kitchen chair at the island in the middle of the room she had a breathing tube in her nose and the line went all the way down to the tile kitchen flooring connecting to a machine under the chair. She was on her laptop what I think must be Twitter. 

"What are you doing sweetheart?"  

"Getting mad"

"Oh honey do you mind getting something for me while I finish making cookies?"

"UHM mom you haven't even started making cookies"

"Well can you get me the flour so I can start making them?" Jo asked her.

"But" Jo gave her a look. "Fine mom" she spun her chair around to see Hunter and I right behind her just standing there "WHAT!!!" she touched Hunter's arm. "GET OUT HE'S REAL!!!!"
 she grabbed her inhaler and inhaled it in. 

"Hi I'm Stella I got your tweet... And we decided to make it even better so we flew out here to meet you I hope that's alright" I told her with the biggest smile I could produce.

"WHAT GET OUT OF COURSE IT'S ALRIGHT..... HOLD ON ALRIGHT? I have to get something for my mother" she unhooked the breathing tube from her nose and put it on the table and she walked to the pantry she was breathing really hard which isn't good. She grabbed what she needed and put it on the table for her mother. She put the tube back in her nose and around her head and looked at us saying "Thanks you guys so much please please sit down make yourselves comfortable as you can.." 

Hunter sat down next to her and I sat down next to him at the kitchen island "So how have you been doing?"  Hunter asked her. 

"Awesome and amazing sorta" she told him as she closed her laptop my phone went off and so did Hunter's I took out mind and looked it was a notification from Twitter I looked at the tweet it read. 

Crystal- OH MY FREAKING GOD (at Hunter.... at Stella)  

I smiled up at her "Sorry" she told me.

"No it's alright if you want to log back in and tell the world that we are sitting in your kitchen then go for it grasshopper" I told her as I gave her a wink.

She threw open her lap top and Hunter got up and so did I. 

"But first I think we should take a picture so people don't think you're lying" Hunter told her. She pulled her camera up on her computer and we took a picture together. She uploaded it and tag us in it. It read


Hunter and I both replied with

Hunter- It's true your kitchen is pretty awesome <3 :) (at Crystal... at Stella)

Stella-  We're having a blast <3 ;) :) You're so awkward Hunter lol  (at Crystal.... at Hunter)

"You guys are so awesome" she told us.

"Not as awesome as you" Hunter told her. She screamed it was so cute and deafening at the same time. 

"Jo so do you need any help?" I asked her.

"If you want to I don't mind the help" I got up and helped Jo bake some cookies. Hunter talked to Crystal. I came back to the table an hour or so later asking "Say Crystal would you like us to sing something to you?" 


Author's Note

Sorry about the random cat photo not really sorry though lol I LOVE CATS people actually called me crazy cat lady one year and I was like that's not even an insult like I'm a very proud of my CRAZY CAT LADYNESS so yeah just role with it lol.. You'll probably see cats in a lot of my fanfics/stories lol :) <3 

I love to hear from you guys so please comment and tell me what you all think of my story. 

So please comment and vote that would mean the world to me :) <3 ;)

Thanks so much for reading chapter 91- Surprise!!! 

Thanks a whole lot of bunches :) <3 ;)

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now