Chapter 15- Hospital Waiting Room

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I ran full speed into the Red Heart Cross Hospital. I ran to the front desk and got the attention of an nurse.

"Hey Ma'Ma do you know where the surgery waiting room is?"

"Uhm right down the hall sir"

"Oh thank you so much" I ran down the hall I heard her yell after me "Don't run in the hospital" I didn't listen... All I could think about was that she needed me.

I miss the waiting room I ran right past it.

I turned back seeing I went to far I walked into the waiting room. Looking around I see a very blonde haired Stella wiping her eyes. There wasn't a chair next to her. And all the chairs are attached to each other so there goes the plan to sit right in front of her. Also there is no way I'm going to sit on the floor to many Germs..... Yuck....... So I sat in the chair behind her I leaned my head against her shoulder kinda telling her that I'm here. She looked I could fell her breath on my forehead she kissed it and said "Thank You" she turned her head back looking straight ahead. I kept my head on her shoulder she didn't seem to mind. We kept quiet not even talking once. I fell asleep for a minute or two or thirty minutes. I woke up she still was there my head still on her shoulder but not where I left it she moved my head because she moved her position on the chair she was now sitting across the whole thing and now my head was on her left shoulder not her right. She was looking at the door's. I moved my head and looked at her and said "Hi Ariel"

"Hi Charming" she faked smiled at me.

"Aww you decided on a name?"

"Nope I think I might just call you both if you don't mind"

"That's fine with me sweetheart" I smiled. She gave me another fake smile. Oh please don't fake smile with me. That breaks my heart I love it when you smile.

"Are you hungry?"


"You sure?"


"Are you sure sure?"

"Yes yes I'm am sure Hunter"

"Well if you don't mind if I go to the vending machine and get something for us anyways?

I got up and stretched. I was super stiff.

"No wait" she grabbed my arm and pushed me into my seat she nearly made me fall on the person sitting next to me. They were asleep so they didn't see that.

"Please don't go you will lose your seat" that was obviously not the reason.

"I will sit on the floor then"

"No you can't....Germs and you might get sick...... Don't leave me please"

"I'm only walking around the corner"


"Come with me I think you need a walk"

"Is that a fat joke" she smiled.

"Oh no" I looked at her "Your not fat not even the slightest" She really wasn't... I kissed her cheek. She got up and smiled that real pretty smile she wasn't faking this time. She walked over to me and she grabbed my hand and held it very tightly. I didn't mind tho.

I looked at her and said "You look pretty you know that?"

"I'm in ugly pajamas and my hair is uncombed and I haven't even showered yet so how is that pretty?"

"Did I forget to mention you're beautiful not just pretty?"

"You're to kind" We went to the vending machine I just looked at it. In the machine there was nothing but Cheetos.....

"Well I wonder how long those been there and I just wonder how many people are here that there are only Cheetos left. And why don't people want some Cheetos?" That made her laugh. She looked away looking at the door's that were still in sight.

"Do you mind if we go hit a different one?" she shook her head no. We walked over to another machine hand in hand.

"Awwwwwww here we go candy!!!!" I looked at her smiling she squeezed my hand because the door's were no longer in sight.

"Hey Hey" I looked at her and kissed her on her forehead. "Everything is going to be just fine. OK?"

She looked at me and then she looked at the floor without saying anything so I squeezed her hand gently trying to comfort her.

"So chocolate Is good I heard its good comfort food for woman. So what's your favorite kind of chocolate?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Sure you are... Also I'm making you eat something"

She gave me a mean face.... HEHE

She pointed at the M&M's..............Yummy I thought.

I got a whole bunch of other chocolate candies and desserts and sweethearts and my favorite Reese's and sour patch kids..... Delicious I can feel my mouth alrighty watering..... We also grabbed some drinks. Water and Pop.

I handed her some some and I grabbed the rest we didn't hold hands back due to our hands being super full. I went a little over board. But it did seem were we going to be here awhile.

We walked back into the waiting room our seats where taken.. "Told you happy feet" she stuck out her tongue. I couldn't help but laugh. We walked over to a seat that two people could sit at.

We put our food down in the middle and soon as we did she grabbed my hand.

I couldn't help but smile.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now