Chapter 11- I want a love like how Grandpa and Grandma had one

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Stella P.O.V

I saw Hunter pull out of the driveway I waited for him to leave. I watched as I saw his lights fade a way. I started jumping up and down he just asked me to be his girlfriend and what did I say not yes. I'm an idiot I doubt his going anywhere. But you just never know because he's HOT. I thought. Wait on crap I looked down where I still had his jacket oh. Wait this just might be on my favor this gives me and excuse to go see and kiss him. Well thank you God for this. I jumped again. It's 3:30 I better go check on my grandfather. I always check on him at this time. I always give him his medicine at this time. I went into the kitchen and I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and grab the alcohol underneath the sink. I looked in it and grabbed the hard core liquor rum and vodka and I mixed them together in a glass. My grandpa says it releaves pain but I think he is fibbin I think he just wants his liver to go out so he go and be with my grandmother and he wants to leave me here all by myself which I think it's quite selfish of him because he's all I got and he knows it too. I don't talk to my parents they basically disowned me so did my siblings but with my siblings I disowned them because they are always after my boyfriends. I walked up the stairs to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw how bad I looked I had a leaf in my hair actually no wait many leaves in my hair. My make-up was smeared a little around my eyes probably from me crying earlier somehow I look like this and Hunter still wants to be my boyfriend he most be crazy. Oh crap he did say he wanted crazy. Am I his crazy? Because my hair looks crazy I look crazy Oh i'm so going to kick his ass the next time we hang out. I opened the cabinet and grabbed my grandfather pills he still will not tell me what he is sick of and when I looked up the medicine name it was treatments for tons of illness like cancer, brain damage, ache and pains, headaches, used for pain relief if you break your arm. I wonder if he had what my grandmother has but they don't know what was wrong with her. I looked at her report for hours I have 10 copies of my own actually I just couldn't let it go. Its a Chapelle family mystery. I grabbed his medicine and shut the cabinet and I made my way to his room. I turned on his lamp and I woke him up "Hi Gramps come on wake up its time for your medicine" he didn't wake up so I went and turned off his television. "Ohm Hey I was watching that Stella turn it back on" he told me, I smiled. I handed him his medicine and his rum and vodka he gladly took them. He handed me back the cup I put it on his night table. I sat on his bed with him "What are we watching" he looked at me and said "We aren't watching anything you just came home didn't you?" "No I been home since 12 I'm just to lazy to change" I try to defend myself but he can always tell when I lie. He then pointed to his open lap top and I then remember that he has security cam's around the whole house.. Inside, outside everywhere. I then looked at my gramps laughing so did he "Sorry I lost track of time and also there is some crazy traffic out there you think since its 3 AM there would be none I'm sorry" I told him real fast. "It's OK you're not in trouble you're 23 you can have some fun. But he didn't do anything right? "Did he treat you right if not I will just have to walk my 86 year old butt over there and kick his ass. So did he treat you correctly I can't have any one treat my princess badly?" I laughed

"Yes Gramps he did treat me like a princess. He's so super nice and he can sing and he has blonde hair and blue eyes and he got me some ice cream and he has a stalker name Kim that follows him every where he goes she isn't getting the hint and I want to show her that he likes me not her and I just want to hit her because she isn't leaving him alone and she isn't very nice and she's been with almost every boy in town, and me and Hunter walked in the park and he held my hand, all nicely nothing like Hey Bro uncomfortable its the first date calm down kind just a gentleman just holding my hand like the way you held grandma's I want a love just like you and her". I told him a little to fast because now I was out of breath by the time I was done telling him all this. That's what I like about my grandpa I can tell him everything I don't have to hid and not be myself I can tell him absolutely everything he is like my mother in a way.

"Hmmmmmmmmm well are you going to see this boy again?" he asked me.

"Probably he wants to take me to a movies Saturday but I told him no not this weekend because you have a doc's appointment. Right do you have one? I'll check"

I looked at his calendar that was filled with appointments. He did have an appointment. I was a little disappointed but he was way more important then just some boy. I just met.

"You have one" I sat back on the bed with him.

"You should go. I don't need to go to any more appointments I'm sick and tired of them and you're probably are too go have some fun why don't you." he told me.

I turned to him all mad and said "You're going and that's final" he laughed at my response and said "OK OK fine I will go to the dumb appointments as long as you try to see if you can get a date with him in the week OK? So I want you to close the booth one day and just go crazy and hang out with him OK promise me you will"

"OK Gramps I promise goodnight" I said getting up and making my way out of his room.

"Goodnight goofball"

I went into the bathroom and hopped into the shower and took myself a good 20 minute shower I hopped out and got dress and went into my room I didn't even turn on my bedroom light I shut my door and jumped on my bed. I heard my cat yell I got up real fast and turned on my lamp that was on my night stand. She was alright she was now washing her tail. "Oh I'm sorry Coke Cola I didn't mean to hurt you" I got into bed and she sat next to me purring she was probably waiting for me all night. I shut off my lamp. I grabbed my phone and text Hunter telling him to text me when he was home. I then started to fall asleep with happy thoughts of wanting to see Hunter again and wanting to see him real soon. I looked over at his coat that was hanging on my desk chair and I fell asleep.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now