Chapter 55- Cole

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I dropped Sam off at his house and went to the 24 hours vet client it was about 11 pm when I walked in with Cole. I signed him in and I sat down he put his head in my lap and I petted his head. He seems to really like me but he is still really scared. I could feel him shake every time I pet him. So I'm thinking he was never showed any kindness in his life time which just so sad.

I heard my name being called "Hunter?" I got up with Cole walking behind me. 

"Hi that's me" I told the girl vet.

"Hi I'm Doctor White you're here late"

"Yeah sorry" I told her.

"Why are sorry it's a 24 hour animal client we just don't get to many people coming in here this late.. I just love how you will come in at all hours of the day for your pet" we walked into a room and she weighed Cole he was a whopping 5 pounds which isn't good for his breed and his body type. I can see his rips I know you can on greyhounds but he didn't look healthy. 

"Are you feeding him?" Doctor White asked me.

"No I have not yet" 

"WHY NOT???" she asked me raising her voice.

"Because I got him not even 2 hours ago"

"Where did you get him?"

"Billy's Race hounds from the town over" she didn't look too happy when I said that.

"So he still abusing animals I see"

OH MY GOD I just recognized who she was. "Summer nice to see you again" I told her.

"Oh you remember me?" she asked.

"Yup how could I forget you. You made quite an impression almost getting Billy out of business for animal cruelty" I said with a smile remembering that memory. 

"Yeah I would have won to but he got a very good lawyer that son of a bitch... I can't believe I dated that fool"

"Me too.. I can't believe him and I were friends" I told her.

"So what did you name your puppy?" she asked changing the subject.


"Oh how adorable. You know he got your eyes Hunter" she looked at me smiling.

I laughed saying "How does that even make sense?"

"Just role with it Hayes"

"Whatever you say White"

We got Cole onto a table after 15 long minutes of trying. He sat down like he was the king of the table. He looked really hurt though. And he kept looking at me like he wanted me to hold him and to protect him.

"Oh what did that awful man do to you Cole?" she asked him.

"He was going to put him down Summer so he gave him something but I don't know what it was"

"Of course he did. Do you think you can hold him down Hunter while I gave him a blood test?" she asked.

I held him down as she stuck my dog with a needle Cole tried to get up he was scared but I calmed him down. I patted his head and told him everything was going to be alright and he was calmed. 

*10 Minutes Later*

These 10 minutes were horrible just waiting for the test results to the blood test. I wanted to know if what Billy gave him was going to hurt Cole. 

Summer walked in saying "He was given a tranquilizer it will not kill him but he is going to sleep a lot for the next couple of days the dose he was given was not enough to kill him but it was close so I would like to leave him here tonight so I can try to pump it out of him" she started wiping Cole down with a wash rag and water trying to clean the other wounds that the dog and I wouldn't doubt Billy put on him. "So Hunter you can come back tomorrow lets say at 5 PM to pick up Cole alright?" I wasn't sure about this "Hunter he's in good hands now alright? No one is going to hurt him here"

"Alright" I told her as I patted Cole's head and I gave him a little kiss on the top of the head. And she walked me out. "So Call me if anything changes alright?" I asked her.

"Will do Hayes" and with that I left for home.


Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu