Chapter 18- Time to yell at Kimberly

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Hunter's P.O.V.

Did I just yell at Stella? Yeah I did and I'm storming away apparently. I'm so mad at her I could punch a wall and then cry about it because I would hurt my playing hand.

I walked into the cafeteria and brought a bottle of water and sat down. I took out my cell phone and I saw that Kim had texted me like 200 times so I deiced to call her. She answer on the first ring. Figures.

"Hello Hunter Hayes" I head her say.

"Hey Kim can we talk?"

"Yeah sure boogie"

"Don't call that also two what do you want from me"?

"Ok and what do you mean?"

"I told you along time ago I wasn't looking for a relationship and I don't like you the way you like me but you keep calling me sweetheart always and sending me hearts and winky faces also you always send me pictures that say boyfriend on it"

"Oh heheh why are you so upset monkey pants you know I'm just playing around with you"

"Here's the thing Kim I don't want you playing around with me and teasing me because I don't like you at all. How would I possible want to go out with you when I seen the way you act with all your boy toys."

"The only reason I act that way to my boyfriends its because they act that way towards me and besides the only reason I date those other boys is because I want to see if they make you jealous. ok... gosh ?"

"And how is that working out for you?"

"Hunter sweetheart why are you bring so mean to me?"

"Because I want to tell you I'm not interested"

"Ok Hunter I know you're not interested you said that loud and clear to me long time ago like back in kindergarten.... Wait are you saying here..... That you don't want to be my friend anymore? ...That's what you're saying right and to lose you're number because .... I'm a distraction because I'm pretty?"

"Yes on losing my number and the friend part and no on the distraction and the pretty part"

"You're a jerk you know that" she hung up.

I don't know why I yelled at Kim. But I knew it had to be done eventually. I'm sick and tired of her always trying to get with me and Stella did say that you had to be a little mean to get through to people to tell them you're not interested. I feel bad though I didn't mean to yell. I opened my water bottle and drank from it. I sat there thinking I really didn't want to be that guy that had more than one women wrap around them. That wouldn't be fair to anyone. I only want the one but I doubt she'll ever want me the way I want her.


Author's Note

Hunter made have sounded mean but trust me it had to be done. She is one of those women that just doesn't catch a hint and keeps trying..

So sorry if that upset you. I hope you understand..

Well thank you keep on reading its going to get sweet


Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now