Chapter 51- I can't do this anymore.. We're done

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Hunter's P.O.V.

"Stella please" I told her rolling my eyes and crossing my arms as I leaned against my front room wall. 

"Oh I'm so sick and tired of this" she told me.

"And what do you want me to say to you Stella I got nothing left here"

"And that's our problem Hunter you're so up in your little country star world you seem to be forgetting the people more down to earth" 

"Stella that's not true"

"Oh it must be just me then. Because you don't treat your band like this or your fans or anyone else you meet.. Just me"

"Stella that isn't true" I told her. 

"If it isn't then when was the last time we had an actual conversation because to be honest Hunter I really can't remember"

I really can't think of one come on when was the last time I thought to myself.

Stella broke my thoughts saying "And by the face you're making Hunter you can't think of one either"

"You're right Stella I honestly can't think one.. But that doesn't matter I'm here now." 

"Yeah and for how long until tomorrow when you go to work at the studio or an hour from now when go into your home studio?"

We got quite for along time and I told her "Stella we keep going down this same long road... You keep saying stuff about my career which makes me come to conclude that you want me to stop making it" I look over at her.

"I never said that Hunter don't put words in my mouth."

"I'm not it just seems like that Stella or you wouldn't have kept bringing it up"

"Are even listening to yourself Hunter?" she got from her seat and she stood in front of me continuing . "Here I'm going to spell it out for you so you get how I'm feeling. You're aren't home ever. You don't answer my calls or texts. You're never here and when you are you're always planning the next set design"

"Stella just stop lying to me alrighty and just say it"


My heart sank I was never expecting her to say that too me. 

"AND I WISH YOU DIDN'T DO MUSIC. I WISH YOU WOULD JUST QUITE AND BE A NORMAL GUY" she turned around no longer facing me.

"Do you really feel like that Stella?" I asked her. I don't feel well now.

"You told me to be honest Hunter don't say you want to hear the truth if you not ready to hear it"

"Not about the music screw the music... About me?"

"Yeah I do"

"Oh" I told her. 

"Oh... That's it oh?" 

"What do you want me to say or do... Do you want a freaking round of applause or something" I applaud a little bit. She rolled her eyes at me.

"You make me want to pull my hair out and eat it Hunter. You're stressing me out so much right now" she rubbed her eyes.

"Stella what are we doing here?" 

She sat back down on my couch putting her face in her hands saying "I have absolutely no idea..... I just...... I just can't keep feeling like this all the time Hunter"

"And I don't want you too.. And you don't have too.."

"Well nothing is going to change between us...... I just can't do this anymore Hunter I'm sorry" and with that she got up and grabbed her purse from the floor and she handed me the pictures of Kim kissing me saying "You know these will look great in your guys wedding album" she slammed her house key to my house on my table and opened my front door.

"Wait Stella!"

"What Hunter?"

"When you walked in here today did you know that nothing I could have said or done would have changed you're mind. You knew from the moment you walked in you didn't love me anymore didn't you? You didn't come here to try to work things out did you?"

"Good bye Hunter" she closed my door.

I sat down on my couch thinking I can't believe that just happened.. I got from where I was sitting and ran down the hall after her. 

She was alrighty at her car I called to her as I made it outside "STELLA WAIT" 

"Leave me alone Hunter"


"Lose my number"


She looked at me and walked up to me. She kissed me and she shook her head and got into her car and drove away I saw her wipe her eyes as she drove past me. 

I walked back into my apartment and went into my bed room I look over to my dresser and on top of it was a small box containing a wedding ring I was going to ask Stella tonight to marry me. I guess my mother was right I waited to long. I threw everything off of my dresser. I pushed my TV off the table that I had for it in my room and it fell and made a loud noise as it hit my bedroom floor. I pushed my dresser to the side and it flipped over. I saw my guitar sitting in the corner of the room and I took it and slammed it against my wall till there was nothing left of it. I sat down in my torn apart room I leaned my head against the wall. It was quiet for a few moments I could feel my heart racing. My landlord starting banging on my wall from her apartment under me. I stomped loudly back. My landlord yelled through the vent saying  "Hayes be quiet my cat is trying to sleep. Don't make me come up there" 

"Whatever" I threw a piece of guitar against the wall again. 

How could I be so stupid and blind. I should have been here for Stella more than I had been.... I should.... Thinking I should have done this and that isn't going to bring her back who am I kidding she knew walking into my house she didn't love me anymore. She told me I was her biggest mistake in her life and she wished we never have met. Why do I even care? She doesn't love me.


Author's Note

Ohhh this was so hard to write lol I got a little teary eyed.

Guys stick with me here alright? All this will makes sense and tie in with the story so please don't hate me for breaking them up.. It will get better and make sense very soon..

Thanks to everyone for reading chapter 51 I can't do this anymore.. We're done.. I will be updating very soon. Thanks a tons again you guys :) <3 ;)

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now