Chapter 109- Buying A House

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked over at the fake sleeping Stella next to me. I know she can't sleep past 10. I scooted over to her side and I lied my head on her pillow. "You awake?" I asked her.

"No I'm sleeping" she told me I kissed her arm and she turned over smiling at me. 

"No you're awake I know you... You fake sleep till I get up" 

"Alright you got me.. I don't know how you can sleep with all this noise outside and the light GOD why do we live in downtown Nashville it's so annoying" 

"We can always move you know" I told her. 

"You would want that Hun?"

"If you want that I want the same" 

She smiled and said "TRUST ME I WANT THAT"

"Alright fine"I told her laughing. 

She grabbed something from under the bed and she put it on my chest "I already took the liberty to start searching for a house in the country because it's quiet and fresh. I found a place its still in Nash closer to your work, close to Vi, close to your parents, and far away from my family." I looked at the papers she sat on me. "See Hun it has two bathroom's, a basement, three bedroom's our room, studio room or you can have the basement whatever you prefer and look future kid room." she pointed to the house picture "Oh oh and look we got a front yard and a very big backyard for Cole and parties so cool right?" she smiled at me. "Pretty right?" the house was yellow and it had big windows it was a two story house, green grass it was nice.

"Alright it's worth checking it out" I told her.

"Good then get dress Charming we have an appointment in two hours so gel up let's go we'll get breakfast on the road also we got wedding stuff to do today also chop cop handsome"

"You just think of everything don't ya?" I asked her.

"Don't ya? Ha I love that song" I pushed her off the bed and she looked at me as she got off the floor  she threw her underwear at me.

"Ew germs lady" they were clean she likes to throw her clean laundry on the floor by the bed for some reason.

"Oh shut up Hunter we have done worse"

"It's not the same... And start putting you laundry away I didn't give you a dresser so you can throw your stuff around" I put her clothing in her drawers. She looked at me smiling "What?" I asked her.

"Nothing you're just all kinds of sexy.... chop chop" she walked out of the room putting on her tee shirt and singing Don't ya by Brett Elderage. I got dressed and we walked out of the house.

*2 Hours Later*

"It's a perfect neighborhood for kids, teens, couples, you name it" real estate agent told us.

"But you still didn't answer my question do you allow pets?" I asked her.


"They are like my kids"

"Yes we do allow pets nothing big though"

"Hun if they allow goldfishes then they won't like your dog.. Do you guys allow goldfishes?" Stella asked. 

"Yes we do"

"Let's go Hun.. This isn't the place I knew it was too good to be true I'm not giving up Cole or Coke Cola and here we were going to give her the money up front today" Stella told me as she started to push me towards the door. Stella smirked and I knew what she was doing.

"WAIT!!... What kind of pets are we talking about?" she asked.

Stella turned around saying "We got a doggie and kitty"

"And what kind of dog?" the lady asked.

"The cute kind that's really mellow and that doesn't bite your hand off" Stella told her.

"Well I guess cats and dogs are alright" 

"Good then I guess we will take one more tour around the house by ourselves and we'll talk it over for a few then we'll make our decision" Stella grabbed my hand and lead me up stairs she started laughing as we where in a room "People are so gullible"

"I love you know that?" I asked her while I as laughing with her. 

"I love you too" We walked into a another room "WOW looks nothing like the picture much much bigger"

"Obviously Cole's room" I told her laughing.

"Yeah right Cole doesn't have a room he's still wanting to take my side of the bed he won't give that up besides if anyone's room it's Coke Cola's"

"Have you even feed you cat Stella?"

"Of course she's at Vi's"

"Why ins't she at my house?" I asked her.

"I don't know I never asked if I could bring her over"

"I would have let you"

"But what if Cole thinks she's a bunny and he tries to eat her"

"He won't eat her he's a mellow kind of guy he won't he's too lazy retirement is hard you know"   

"Alright we'll go get her later then" we looked at all the room's and went to check the kitchen out. Stella took one looked at it and turned to me saying "Where do I sign?" I smiled at her. The kitchen was huge bigger than Vi's, Stella, and my house kitchen combined. 

"So big" I told her.

"CAN WE GET IT PLEASE HUNTER PLEASE PLEASE??" she couldn't sit still she kept jumping up and down and kissing my cheek.

"Ariel calm down my little coffee bean we can get it alright we can"

"Yes yes I love you so much I love you hehheh ahah" she gave me tons more kisses and she turned around saying "Where's that lady?"

"Here I am" she said coming into the kitchen. 

"Where do we sign?" 

"Oh you guys want the house?"

"YES!!!"Stella said getting all jumpy again. This must look like what I act on stage I thought to myself and I laughed again.

"I'm never giving you my coffee again" I told Stella and she gave me a look then she kissed my nose and turned back to the real estate agent.

"Alright here's this all you need to do is sign right here" Stella look at the papers and she picked them up an sat on the floor reading them. The agent looked shocked that she had done that so I'm thinking the girl was probably going to try to screw us over. 

*30 Minutes Later*

Stella handed me the papers to look over "Seems good to me" I told her after I was done reading. 

"Awesome where do I sign again? Stella asked. 

"Right here" The agent told her. Stella signed them and then she handed me the pen I signed.

"Pleasure doing business with you" she told us as she shook our hands and handed me the keys. And then she left.

"Hey Hunter did you know we had a garage?" 

"Yeah I saw it as we were coming in"

"SO COOL RIGHT" Stella said and she started jumping around again. 


Author's Note

Alright hey everyone going to explain the picture first picture on the left is what the house looks like middle picture is what the front room and stuff looks like and last picture on the right is Hunter's and Stella's bedroom. 

So thanks everyone thanks for reading chapter 109- Buying a house

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Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant