Chapter 41- Thanksgiving

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I heard a knock on the front door and I opened it standing there was Stella and her Grandfather. He didn't look to happy and Stella seemed annoyed so she was wearing her fake smile. 

"Hey come on in" something was bothering her and I want to know why. 

"Hi Sweetheart" she told me. 

"Hi" I told her Grandfather as he walked in with his cane. 

"Oh this is for you guys to eat or whatever" she handed me a bowl.

"What is it" I asked since I couldn't see what was inside it since it has tin foil on it.

"Oh it's desert my family usually makes it every holiday its just basically jello with cream cheese and lots of cool whip"

"Sounds gross" I told her.

"It does but I'm making you try it because I know you'll like it and I'm trying all your Cajun food tonight so you're trying my cool whip" She stuck her tongue at me.

"Hey is Violet and her boyfriend or whatever he is coming today?" I asked her.

"They should and oh thanks for inviting them that was very sweet of you" she told me and I smiled at her.

"You're welcome .... come on let's go see the rest of the family and put this in the fridge" I walked to the garbage and pretend to throw out what she had made away and she freaked out and I laughed she crossed her arms pouting. I walked away smiling with it and I put it in the fridge. 

"Not funny Hunter" she told me. My mom smiled at us. 

My mom walked over to me and playfully hit me with a spoon saying "Bad Hunter" Stella Grandfather walked in. 

"Oh Mama this is Stella's Grandfather." he looked up from where he was starting and he didn't look to please.

"Oh hello I'm Hunter's mother Lynette" 

"Hi my name is Richard but you can call me Rich" they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Rich" she smiled at him.

"No no pleasure is all mine" he smiled at my mom and I looked at Stella and she gave me the awkward stare back.  

"So Mrs. Hayes where is Mr.Hayes at this hour?" Stella asked. 

"Oh he's upstairs sleeping we were up late"

"Oh yeah I know" I mumbled and Stella looked at me and started laughing. "It's not funny" I told her. 

"It's a little funny" she whispered to me.

"Oh you're married?" Stella's grandfather asked.

"Yes" she turned around as the timer went off.

"Too bad" he mumbled to Stella "She's the second prettiest woman I have ever seen in my entire life"

"Ewwwww gross that's my mother" I told him in a whisper. 

Stella cracked a snicker she covered her mouth she turned to me saying "You're mother is pretty hot" 

I covered my ears and went "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU.... You guys are worst then my parents LALALALALA" her grandfather and her started cracking up.

My father came down the stairs and put his arms around my mom's waist and said something to her and she started laughing and he gave her a kiss. 

"Oh gross we got company over get a room" and I walked out of the room with my hands up. I heard Stella muffled laughter following me. She grabbed me by my waist and gave me a huge hug and she manage to move her head under my arm and I put my arm around her.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें