Chapter 12- Oh Hunter in trouble with his Mother

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Hunter's P.O.V

I walked into my house trying hard not to make any sounds. I went into the front room and the light turned on and I see my mom sitting there arm's cross with a pissed off look on her face "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MISTER? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? NO PHONE CALL OR ANYTHING? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS HMM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" she was mad. Why in the living hell am I'm still living here I'm 23 why can't I get my own apartment? Oh right mom will not let me."

"I'm so sorry mom I lost track of time and my phone ran out of juice" well my phone didn't die I just really lost track of time but a little white lie will not hurt anyone.

"Well couldn't you have ask her for her phone to check in with your mother?" she yelled at me.

"Ohm mom you don't ask a girl forf her phone to call your Mother" I simply said.

Just then my dad came down the stairs holding his back he walked up to my mom and kissed her on the cheek saying "Lynette sweet heart leave the boy alone he is 23 let him blow off some steam we used to stay out all night too when we went on dates" I made a face. "Oh hell no do you know what time it is? We never stayed out this late" she told my dad. "YES I do know what time it is. And we did that one day" he looked at me and smiled. Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

"Son do you promise not to stay out that late without texting or calling one of us first so we know you're alright? I shook my head yes.

"See honey he now knows for next time" she still looked pissed. I went up to her and gave her a hug telling her "Sorry mom I didn't mean to worry you".

"Just go to bed Hunter" she told me as she walked upstairs.

My dad hit me behind the head and said "Don't you ever do that to your mother again or you have to cuddle up to her and make her feel better you got me?"

"Yes Sir" I said. He walked up the stairs and I walked up with him.

I need a house of my own these people are crazy. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror I saw I had lip stick on my cheek. Thank God my parents didn't see that I would never hear the end of my mom crying over her only little baby of old now and now he has to leave the nest and my dad we would simply hit me in the shoulder saying good job and now yay I can have his bedroom for his boat parts he fixes boats that was his pride and joy and my room was the biggest and it probably could fit a boat in it.

I took a quick shower and got dress I looked at my watched and it read 3:45 AM just then my phone beeped it was a text message from Stella. I smiled. I tuned on my ceiling fan and shut the blinds to my windows and then I shut off all my lights and sat on my bed and I looked at the text message it read

Hey happy feet charming you I need to think of a nick name don't I? Its either going to be happy feet or Charming ;)... Tell me when you get home so I'm not up all night worrying if you are alright.

I texted her back saying either nick name is just fine with me ;) I will answer to whatever you choose as my nick name as long as isn't Dumb ass or something like that :) I'm home by the way Thanks for checking up on me :)

Good night. Pleasant dreams Ariel ;).

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu