Chapter 28- Rosemary

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Yesterday was so much fun I thought to myself as I got from my bed. I got dressed into a purple ruffled tank top. I jumped around my room trying to get into my skinny jeans I pulled on some purple converse and I threw my hair in a messy side ponytail.. I walked down the stairs to see my grandfather sitting at the kitchen table. He scared me. I screamed "God Gramps you scared me! What are you doing down here you're supposed to be in bed"

"I know I know but I don't want to spend the rest of my life sitting in bed I'm too old for that"

"Grandpa but you're sick you need to get better the Doc order you to stay in bed"

"I can give a rat's ass about what the Doc says" he yelled at me.

"Alright here" I stuck up my hand out lying in my hand was his medicine.

"I'm not taking it"

"How are you supposed to get better if you don't take your medicine?"

"I said I don't want it"

"But you need it Gramps!!"

"I don't care"

"Grandpa you need to take it to get your blood to work correctly again"

"I can care less"

"Grandpa don't say things like that" I put my hands on my hip.

"I'm a dead man walking anyways"

"GRANDPA don't say things like that in my house"

"It isn't yours"

"Yeah but I live here too and me working helps makes sure nothing in here gets shut off"

"Oh shut up Rosemary" I looked at him what did he just call me?

"God Rosemary I know I'm ungrateful for everything right well sue me." I knew who he was talking about he was talking about his old nurse he had when my grandmother died I didn't live here yet. Rosemary never could give him his medicine he most have thought he was talking to her the whole time.

I turned to the fridge I whimpered I hated seeing him like this.

"Now Rosemary be a doll and go away I'm not taking my damn medicine and you can't make me"

This hurts more than words have ever hurt me in the past and in the future.... My Grandfather my only family the only one he truly loves me the guy that always had my back was losing his memory of things and everything around him and he was losing it fast too.

I wiped my eyes and turned to him saying

"Alright since you will not take your medicine at least let me make you some breakfast?"

"Alright I supposed you could do that"

"Ok good" I handed him his newspaper and he started reading it not paying attention to me anymore which I knew he wouldn't. I made him some breakfast and sneaked his medicine in it. He ate it all without even noticing what I did.

I made some toast and went upstairs to eat because I couldn't bear to see my grandfather like this.


Author's Note

Hey everyone how are you liking the book so far???? I hope you all like it :)

I'm going to start posting outfits up on Instagram that the characters wear when I describe them so my Instagram username is


And for the outfits I'm going to use the #stormwarningahunterhayesfanfic

And when I describe the outfits I will write this on here again. So yeah that is all :) lol


Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt