Chapter 54- Getting A New Buddy

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*2 Months Later*

Hunter's P.O.V.

I need a new friend that I can depend on that's not going to break my heart so I'm getting a dog I thought long and hard about this and I always wanted one so I'm getting one. I love greyhounds and I researched everything about them. I got a friend in the retired racing dog business and Sam and I are going to go over and check them out.

Me and Sam got of the car I just shut my car door when I heard "Hey Hunter Hayes long time no see" I turned around.

"Hey Billy it's been too long my friend" we shook hands "Oh hey Billy this is my friend Sam.. Sam this is Billy" they said there hello's and we walked to the kennels.

I looked around and all the dogs whimpered and acted cute I wanted to buy them all but 300 dogs is a little extreme for me. I could barely take care of myself so how could I take care of 300 racing dogs. 

Sam pointed out a whole bunch of dogs but it wasn't what I was looking for. I didn't even know what I was looking for. I heard a huge dog bark like the kind of bark a dog has when he is protecting his territory or his mate and another dog whimpered very loudly. I walk a little further and turn around a bit to see a dog grabbing another dog. I threw open the kennel and pushed the dog off the other dog. I put my foot up to the dog that tried to eat the other one and I grabbed the one dog that was being bullied and I pulled him out. He tried to bite me but then he stopped seeing that I was trying to help him out. I closed the kennel and the mean dog hit into it.

"I want this one Billy" I patted the dog on his head. He tried to bite me again he was shaking pretty bad he was obviously scared out of his mind. I let him smell me and he sat down next to me. I patted him nicely on the side and I gave his nose a kiss.

"You want that mutt please I have way better dogs that can work still if you make them and they will make you money" Billy told me.

"I don't want a dog that can work for me and make me money I just want a dog"

"You can't have that dog Hunter we are putting him down tomorrow" 

I looked at Sam then at Billy "Is he sick?" I asked.

Billy shifted uncomfortably  "Well not exactly" 

"So you're going to put him down for no reason?" I started to get upset.

"Well yeah we have too many retired racing dogs we have no more room for him" Billy told me.

"Then I want him Billy" I petted the dog I grabbed the dog's tail playfully and the dog tongue rolled out and he yelped I looked and his tail he was hurt pretty bad looks like tons of bite marks must have been that bully dog.

"You can't Hunter we already paid for him to be put down"

"I can't let you put him down Billy"

"Hunter you're not taking him"

"Billy I'll pay the money you gave the vet and what I would have paid for what you asked for the dog."

"Hunter I alrighty told you to pick another dog we alrighty gave him medicine to sleep tonight"

"Will the medicine kill him?" I asked getting worried.

"Well no it will just make it easier to grab him in the morning"

"So he wouldn't have even know what will be going on?"

"No he wouldn't have that's more than what anyone gets in life now Hunter hand the dog over"

"NO!!! You're not going to kill an innocent doggy" I told him raising my voice.

"He's a worthless mutt Hunter you don't want him. Let me get you a real racing dog" he told me.

"I want this one greyhound right here you said I can pick which ever dog I wanted and I did and this dog is coming home with me Billy"

"Hunter don't be such a child now hand me the dog so I can put him back in his kennel"

"GO TO HELL BILLY" I told him.

"HUNTER" I turned to Sam who called my name.

"What Sammy?"

"Maybe you should just give him the dog before he calls the cops on us" 

"What? No Sammy I'm not going to let him kill a dog"

Billy started saying "Hunter he is old so just put him in the kennel"

"So that dog can eat him NO I don't care that he is old he doesn't even look old"

"He is trust me Hunter" Billy told me.

"Billy I'm taking him home with me if you like it or not" I got up from where I was squatting down and I grabbed the leash from my back pocket that I bought earlier today and I put it on the dog.

I started walking to the door and Billy got in the way of the door with his face all serious. "Bill if you don't move from the door I'm going to move you. There is no way in hell you're getting this dog"I gave him the money I was originally going to pay him. 

"Now what about the vet money?" he asked me.

"How much was the bill?" I asked him.

"600 bucks" he told me with a smirk. 

I pulled out my wallet and he moved from the door I walked out and threw the money on the ground outside saying "Jack ass" Sam walked out behind me kinda smiling. 

I got the dog to go into the back seat of my Jet Black Mustang. I got in the car and so did Sam.

"So what are you going to name him Hunter?" Sammy asked.

I looked at the dog in the back seat and smiled "I think I'm going to name him Cole."

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now