Beta Overpowered Alpha 16

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If only just looking at him with his eyes, the leader of the Light Army in front of him is nothing like Xiu.

As for perceiving pheromones...this man has completely hidden his pheromones!

However, Yan Jingze has a very strong mental force.

He distinguishes people not by pheromones, but by looking directly at the other person's mental force.

It's impossible for him not to recognize Xiu's mental force.

Not to mention that he felt like the first time he saw Xiu. When he saw Su Moxiu, he immediately fell in love with him.


Xiu turned out to be Su Moxiu!?

He really didn't expect that he would be deceived by this alpha who he always thought was very innocent.

Not to mention...the leader of the Light Army is so young and pure.

Wait, pure is pure, but Su Moxiu has been the leader of the rebel army for decades, how could he be so young!

Yan Jingze recognized Xiu at a glance, but didn't show it. As for Lina...she didn't realize that the person in front of her was Xiu who was dangling in front of her not long ago.

Lina and Yan Jingze greeted Su Moxiu, and then Lina waited for Su Moxiu to ask her questions first.

Lina already knew what happened on the Werther Empire's Capital Star. She felt that Su Moxiu should have many questions to ask her.

However, Su Moxiu didn't speak. He sat behind the desk without saying a word.

He was wearing a mask, so Lina couldn't see his expression clearly. However, she felt strangely pressured. She was thinking about how to speak, when Su Moxiu said in an emotionless mechanical voice: "You two, welcome to Light Star. Ma'am, if you are willing to stay in Light Star, you can make any requests."

Lina looked up at him: "Aren't you afraid that we have other plans by coming here?"

"Even if you two have other plans, there is no need to take the initiative to fall into danger." Said Su Moxiu.

He had a talk with Vinia these days and found that Vinia had a bad relationship with Marquis Will.

He believed that the two would not do anything to endanger Light Star.

Even if he misreads...there's still some protection on his side.

Lina was a little moved: "Thank you, Marshal. Before I came, I discovered some things Will did."

Lina was a very straightforward person, so she directly told the matter about Marquis Will arranged manpower in the army, bypassed Camilla to go to war with the Light Army, and also assassinated Su Moxiu.

Although everyone in the Light Army joked in private that Marquis Will wanted to join them, they knew very well that this was impossible.

What happened in Capital Star yesterday let them know that Marquis Will is not simple. They also guessed that the previous incident was related to Marquis Will, and now they got Lina's confirmation.

Su Moxiu said after Linna finished speaking, "Don't worry, I won't blame you for what he did."

"Thank you Marshal! Marshal, I learned from Will that you are in the berserk period. I have some medicine that can be used to treat alpha in the berserk phase. You can try it on others first, and then use it yourself." Lina tried her best to show her value.

Su Moxiu said, "Thank you. Can it be mass-produced?" He really needed such medicine, of course not for himself, but for other people in his army.

They lack omegas here, so there are many alphas in the army who have been in a berserk period for a long time.

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