Waste Wood Flies On The Branch 10

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Su Moxiu is a very self-disciplined person. He goes to bed early and gets up early every day, and also makes time to do exercise.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for him to be a workaholic for many years and still not bald — Zhang Zhi is not much older than him, see what he has become!

After Yan Jingze got together with Su Moxiu, he also followed his schedule, and like him, he didn't play with his mobile phone much.

Therefore, although the incident on the Internet happened around 8 o'clock the night before, he didn't know. The next morning, he got up to make breakfast with Su Moxiu, then went to the company again.

After he left the company he signed with, he directly changed his mobile phone number. He only told his family and Su Moxiu about the new number, so even if his former colleagues wanted to notify him, they couldn't.

As for his family...

His parents watch his videos at most and don't know how to read comments. He greeted his sisters, saying that the news on the Internet is all fake, and many of them are hype, so they should just leave them alone, so they also weren't worried.

When Yan Jingze saw Tan Minxuan's revelation, he also noticed that his fans had increased a lot.

The amazing thing is...Although there are scandals, not many people scold him.

After all, it was because he was a bit stupid.

Generally, when things like celebrities or Internet celebrities are exposed, their fans are the most hurt and react the most, and their anti-fans are the most excited, and he...he doesn't have many fans, and most of them just click on the fans of passers-by who follow him. As for anti-fan, he has even less.

Who would hack an 18 line celebrity for no reason?

"Come and take a look at the person who fascinated Su Moxiu."

"After reading Weibo, I realized that he was still asking for Su Moxiu's contact information a month ago. Did he take him down so quickly?"

"Suddenly I want to ask for some strategy..."

"So why does Su Moxiu like him?"

"Is everyone serious? I think this is probably another self-blackening hype!"

"Hype +10086, I guess he sneaked into Su Moxiu's side to take a group photo, relying on Su Moxiu not caring about these things to just stir it up."

"But he's really handsome. These recent financial videos look pretty good, and they're good stuff."


Yan Jingze: "..."

Yan Jingze felt that Tan Minxuan must be very depressed now.

Tan Minxuan broke the news on the Internet because he wanted to see him having a hard time. What happened now? He wasn't miserable at all, but instead had more fans!

"That Tan Minxuan, does he have a grudge against you?" As soon as Zhang Zhi arrived at the company, he came to Yan Jingze with a gossipy face.

Yan Jingze was speechless: "Did you spend all your time reading gossip and staying up late every day?"

Zhang Zhi was surprised: "How do you know?"

Yan Jingze: "..."

Zhang Zhi laughed: "I only have such a hobby, please be considerate of me. If I don't read any gossip and only work every day, I will collapse sooner or later."

Yan Jingze said: "Tan Minxuan used to be my friend, the kind of friend who wanted to pry my boyfriend every day."

"Your previous experience was quite complicated..." Zhang Zhi's eyes lit up, "Did your ex-boyfriend get pried by him?"

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