Top Student Report Everyday 14

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Su Moxiu refused to say, so father Su and Madam Chu also couldn't do anything.

It was impossible for them to discipline Su Moxiu like they disciplined Chu Qiyu - Su Moxiu had already grown up and had his own career.

What's more, this child has always been very obedient. After falling in love with a man, he himself is also in pain. How can they be willing to force him?

When Su Moxiu left, Father Su and Madam Chu looked at each other, then Father Su finally said: "Children are debts!"

Madam Chu also thinks so.

Su Moxiu came out of the study and asked the nanny at home, only then did he know what Chu Qiyu had done during the day and understood why father Su and Madam Chu had talked to him so quickly.

His younger brother made trouble again, and his parents were stimulated, so they thought of him.

But it's fine now. He might be able to handle his family problems well before the little fat man becomes an adult.

It's just...for safety, it's better not to see the little fat man tomorrow.

Su Moxiu thought about it, and although he couldn't let go of the guilt, he still left a message to the little fat man: "Chengying, I have an urgent business trip, so I can't pick you up tomorrow."

The little fat man didn't reply to the message, so he didn't know if he was asleep or angry...Su Moxiu was afraid that the little fat man had already fallen asleep, so he didn't dare to make a call. He stared at the phone for a long time. Seeing that he would not be able to sleep tonight, he took out his work to get himself busy.

He plans to accept some investment recently, so there are many things to do in the company.

Su Moxiu was so busy that time passed quickly, it was a little after three in the morning in a blink of an eye.

There was a knock on his door suddenly. Su Moxiu got up and opened the door, he saw his mother standing outside the door in her pajamas.

"Mom." Su Moxiu called out, a little guilty - he let his parents down.

"Go to bed early." Seeing that Su Moxiu didn't even take off his clothes, Madam Chu sighed, "No matter what, your body is the most important."

Su Moxiu answered: "Mom, don't worry, I will go to bed soon."

After Madam Chu left, Su Moxiu turned off the computer and went to bed.

Yan Jingze woke up the next morning and found that he couldn't even lift his arms. When he crawled on the bed, he seemed to be under torture.

His muscle strain was a bit severe.

But this body is young, so apart from the muscle strain, there are no other problems. After two days of rest, he can continue to train after his muscles are well developed.

After his muscles adapted to the high-intensity training and he lost weight again...abs and pecs are just around the corner.

Yan Jingze raised his arm, full of expectations for the future.

Shao Shenyang also got up at this moment. He grimaced beside him: "My arms are so sore...Shi Chengying, don't your hands and feet ache?"

Yan Jingze replied: "It hurts, but it's nothing, just bear it and it will pass."

As expected of Shi Chengying! Shao Shenyang secretly admired it, and stopped crying in pain.

At this time, Yan Jingze saw the message Su Moxiu sent last night.

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