The General Take The Initiative To Be Rob 13

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Su Moxiu took the initiative to clean up the west wing.

Yan Jingze also wanted to go, but Su Moxiu didn't let him, and told Yan Jingze to rest in the east wing.

Cai An: "..." Is second young master too anxious?

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Erque asked, "Why is he in such a hurry?"

Su Moxiu is not here, Jiu Jiu and the others cough lightly, lowering their voices: "That's a little..."

"Truly unexpected..."

"Cough cough. Should we lend a hand or not?"


"Of course! You two go to help second young master clean up." Cai An pointed to the two of them, and came to Yan Jingze's side again, "Mister Yan, can I check your pulse again?"

Yan Jing stretched out his hand. Cai An checked his pulse, and whispered: "Mister Yan, your body has yet to fully...You can't indulge second young master...That injury will add to the injuries..."

Yan Jing suddenly realized that Cai An had misunderstood.

He coughed lightly: "Mister Cai, don't worry. Moxiu still has to ride the horse, I won't do anything to him."

General Zhou said he would not do anything to second young master? Cai An was stunned, then quickly reacted.

He was wrong before! That's right, how could General Zhou be the one below!

But if this is the case...General Zhou these few days...were he just deceiving their second young master?

Their second young master was naive. He was deceived into confusion and disoriented, treating General Zhou as a delicate and frail flower...

Second young master obviously felt that he had a 'wife'. He didn't know how he would feel when his 'wife' turned over to call the shots in the future.

Cai An suddenly pity Su Moxiu a little, and he felt that General Zhou... was different from what he imagined...

Yan Jingze noticed Cai An's entanglement. He coughed lightly and changed the topic.

Yan Jing asked about the situation of the Zhenbei Army, and also talked about his thoughts about the future situation.

Cai An suddenly felt crushed.

When he is with Su Xingyin, he always thinks that he is very smart. If he is with Zhang Erque...then he is simply a genius!

But chatting with General Zhou...He just mentioned the beginning and General Zhou has already anticipated what is going to come after. He also often can't follow General Zhou's train of thought.

As expected of General Zhou!

Cai An look at Yan Jingze's gaze and became fanatical again.

After cleaning up the room, Su Moxiu, who came to Yan Jingze: "..."

It's really right not to sleep in the same room with Cai An and the others!

The room on that side has been lived in before, so the west side was quickly cleaned up by Su Moxiu. He also lit a fire in the hole beside the kang.

With the wind, the dust in the west room had dissipated, and the kang also warmed up. Su Moxiu came to look for Yan Jingze, but Yan Jingze was together with Cai An again...

"I've already packed up, let's go!" Su Moxiu said. He picked up Yan Jingze and walked to the next room.

Cai An turned his head and sighed.

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