The General Take The Initiative To Be Rob 5

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Su Moxiu took Zhang Erque out of the door. They take their weapon but not the horse.

There are not many animals that are still active outside in winter. Those active are very alert. The sound from the horse walking in the forest is too loud and will startle them.

In addition, the mountain forest terrain is complex. Riding a horse into the mountain in the snow, if a horse accidentally steps into a small hole or a stone crevice, it could possibly break its legs.

The Zhenbei Army is short of horses. Horses are very very important to them. They would rather starve themselves than starve a horse, so the horse naturally wouldn't be put at risk.

They go back on horseback before because they were following the trade routes created by those merchants, who did business with the Rong people in the past.

Su Moxiu proceeds carefully on the deep and shallow snow, watching carefully for marks on the snow.

His nose is a little red from the cold, his lips were pressed together, his eyes focused, and his expression solemn.

Zhang Erque, who was following behind him, was infected by such an atmosphere and didn't say a word.

Su Moxiu suddenly stopped.

At the same time, an animal came out from under a dead tree in front!

It's a snow rabbit!

Su Moxiu draws his bow and arrow. He shot an arrow, then took out the second arrow while running.

His first arrow failed, it started the snow rabbit making it change its escape route in a panic. He followed closely behind, the second arrow landed in front of the snow rabbit!

The snow rabbit, who was in a hurry, was hopping everywhere. Su Moxiu rushed up all the way and pressed the snow rabbit under him.

"Second young master! You're awesome!" Zhang Erque looked at Su Moxiu with admiration.

If he and Su Moxiu fought with real swords and spears on the battlefield, he could definitely beat Su Moxiu to the ground, but hunting things like this, he couldn't compare to Su Moxiu —— He learned to kill.

Su Moxiu tied up the snow rabbit, who was knocked unconscious by him, and put it in a sheepskin bag. He suddenly relaxed and smiled shyly: "Luckily."

"Rabbit meat is really delicious..." Zhang Erque swallowed his saliva, "Second young master, shall we go back?"

"Continue looking," Su Moxiu continued, "there are many of us, one rabbit is not enough."

Just a rabbit is not enough. Zhang Erque followed behind Su Moxiu as he kept going.

Su Moxiu took a few breaths, the mist spread before him. He thought for a long time, then finally asked Zhang Erque: "Erque, about Yan Jingze...What do you think?"

"Yan Jingze?" Zhang Erque was a little confused, then he suddenly remembered, "Second young master, are you talking about that little white face?"

"En." Su Moxiu responded in a low voice.

Zhang Erque said: "I think he's pathetic. It is estimated that he were used miserably on the Rong side. Sigh. Something like that happens to a big's miserable!"

Zhang Erque was very sympathetic toward Yan Jingze. Yan Jingze has fine skin and tender meat. His face was well maintained but his body has wounds all over. When he was on the Rong side, he must have been used as a woman.

"Rong they really like men?" Su Moxiu asked.

"Don't talk about the Rong, even our Zhenbei Amry have people who like men too! Second young master, you should have seen it, right?" Said Zhang Erque.

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