The Prince Gives Up Treatment 16

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Yan Jingze has been very busy recently.

Su Moxiu is ill, so the Su family still doesn't let him see him. Maybe it's because he's working in the Ministry of Justice...Those officials wish that he wouldn't stick his hand in.

He had involved a large group of people in Cai Tinghe's case before, which frightened the people in the Ministry of Justice.

Yan Jingze himself didn't want to work in the Ministry of Justice, so he didn't go to the Ministry of Justice very much. He ran to the palace every day, pestered Emperor Chengde, and asked Emperor Chengde to let him marry.

Emperor Chengde was terrified from being pestered, so he hid whenever he saw him, but there were always times when he couldn't hide...

Today, Emperor Chengde was blocked by him again.

Emperor Chengde was also terrified of being entangled, so he finally said: "Well, if Su Moxiu agrees, I will have the cheek to go to Su Gu."

His son probably won't be able to return to normal, so let it be!

"That's what you said!" Said Yan Jingze immediately.

"Yes, I said it!" Emperor Chengde said.

"Su Gu is celebrating his birthday, emperor father, aren't you going? I will bring Su Moxiu to find you then!" Yan Jingze said.

He could feel that Su Moxiu liked him very much, so Su Moxiu must also agree.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Emperor Chengde asked. On Su Gu's birthday, if he went to talk to him about it...Su Gu's birthday is going to be difficult!

"If I'm not in a hurry, what if the Su family engaged Su Moxiu to someone else?" Yan Jingze asked.

This is really a problem, Su Moxiu is not young anymore either...

But Emperor Chengde was really annoyed when he saw his hapless son, and immediately said: "Okay, okay, get out! If you have the skills, why not pester Su Moxiu more! Make him promise you."

"I'm going right now!" Yan Jingze said.

Yan Jingze did go to Su's house again, but...still didn't see the person.

What illness did Su Moxiu suffer from? Yan Jingze became more and more worried. He caught Su Gu and asked him several times, but Su Gu kept saying that he was fine, just a small problem.

Why did the little problem persist for so long?

If it wasn't for making a good impression on Su Gu, Yan Jingze would have already broken into Su's house.

While Yan Jingze was depressed because he couldn't enter the Su family, the second prince, third prince, and fourth prince were even more depressed.

After Cai Tinghe's case was clarified, their emperor father has been displeased with them all the time. Obviously, their father knew about their little tricks in private.

But what makes them most uncomfortable is not this matter, but the crown prince and old fifth, who have won their emperor father's attention.

It's alright for the crown prince, why old fifths too?

Most of Cai Tinghe's case was solved by Su Moxiu, but old fifth took all the credit!

Old fifth has been running to the palace every day recently. According to the news they inquired, he wants to marry Prime Minister Su's youngest daughter.

They are careless!

Why didn't they think of Prime Minister Su's youngest daughter earlier? After marrying this woman, even if prime minister Su Gu doesn't help them on the surface, will he not help them secretly too?

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