Seven Vows Part 1- Published

By shruthiravi13

20.9K 1.8K 351

Sreedhar Varma at the age of 22 he thought he had everything. Pampered by a loving family, heartthrob of pre... More

Destiny's surprise
The Loneliness
The Threshold
Broken Dreams
Reality Check
The Accusation
The Failed Mission Rescue
The Mirror
The Friendship
The Sleepless Night
The blooming love
A Prayer
The Confusions
The Decisions
The Dance
The Dinner
The Drive
The Shopping
The Garden
The Cricket Match
The Dance Performance
The Breakfast
The Movie date
The Negatives
The Community Meeting
The Pooja
Kuch Naa Kaho
The Lunch
Poornima Patel
The Felicitation Ceremony
The Medal Varmala
Heart to Heart Talk
The Couple Talk
The Sarees
Mourning and Festival
The Plan of protection
The Jagratha
The Commotion
The Long Night
The Clash and the Celebration
The Trial
The Punishment
The Aftermath
Suman's duty , Support for family
The Feelings
Maryada ya Bandhan
The Fan girl, Mahima Das Case
The Durga
The College Gang, Outing
Back Home
Face -Off
The Notes
Dil Hai ke Maanta Nahi
The Invitation
The Questions
The Speech
The Threat, Evil Trio
The Hospital
Why Me
The Burn Marks
Counter Attack Strategy
A friend in need
Request for help
Aakash Varma
The Punishment
The Headaches
The Memorandum
Pain, Comfort, Elation
Voting and Aftermath
The News
The Dilemma
The Choice
The Shock
Search of Proofs
The Questions
The Talk, The Tears
The Expose
Am I the same
The Raipur diary, Your Sister
The Truth
The Apology, The Breakdown, The Verdict
Economics of Marriage
Delicate Touch
Income Tax Raid, Desertation
The Colors
Your Sumi
Welcome daughter
A sister's question
The Doll
The Maha Sammelan, Maya
Free Passes
The Inheritance
The Tedy, Naina Rawat
Friends get together
The Charity Bash
The Insult
The Fight, The Deal
A Mother's advice
Catch 22, Full Story
Missing Sister
Accusation in MA , A death
Sarangi's pain
Nami's b'day, College Project
The MA meeting
Nomination, House Arrest
Inheritance Settlement, Delhi Invitation
The Interview
The Republic Day Parade
Nomination Troubles
Combine Study, Singapore Travel
Inheritance Papers, The dark Plan
Sarangi Wedding
The Cat fight, Gifts
Money Matters
The Escapade
The Poison Culprit, Chulha troubles
The Murder
The Press Statement
The Warning
The MA election, Accidental Reaction
The Motive
The Lullaby
The Celebration, The Security
The Night Out
The Wedding Circus
The Advice, The Threat, The Love
The Computer
Tea Talk
The Fight, The Boards
Unveiling Retail Plan
She gave me a lot
Auspicious, The gift
April 7th
The Marriage Invitation
The Doubts
Corp Audit plan, Brahman Bhoj
A Plea
The Shradh
The Mess, The Topper
The Weapon
The Photos, Wedding gift
The Suhagan Pooja
The Interiors, The Tantrum
The Housewarming
On the Road
The Ajmer Stop over
The Packet
The Values
Enforcement Directorate , Charge Sheet
The Purity
A Thorn
The Concern
Pre-Wedding Get together
The Thinking Room
The Sarcasm
The Luncheon, The School, The Complaint
The Discipline
Geeta Didi, Jodhpur Market
The Guidance
The Mehrangarh Fort
The Bangles
The Muhurat, Job offer
The Hope, The Solace
The Farewell, The Answer
The Welcome
Krishna Leela
The Assurance
The New hope
New beginnings
The Blackbox
The New Home
The Temple Festival, The Packing
Insensitive Remarks
I wont leave you
For you daughter
What do you know
The Fire, The Tear
The Disaster Management
Suicide, CBSE Results
The Party
The Crack
The Decorations
The Shop Inauguration

The Guilt of a Mother

154 18 6
By shruthiravi13

Bhavani Rajput was in her room. She was going through the albums of her one and only daughter Suman. Tears were flowing through her eyes. What has happened to her child. She couldn't do anything to save her. As a mother she couldn't protect her child.

How could she. What voice did she had in that house, no haweli. Virender Rajput's family looked proud, idealistic from outside. But she knew what they were from inside. She had suffered through her marital life and her mother had told her that is the woman's fate.

Bhavani was a domestically abused wife. On a daily basis her husband beat her in their room, sometimes outside also. Her MIL was nothing less. Bhavani was made to do most of the jobs at home because she didn't had a male child.

When she came itself her MIL had clearly told. She will have the first baby whatever it is and after that they are expecting only a male child from her. And it was like that also. Suman was born, but she was forced to do 2 abortions post that. And the second abortion was really worse that she bled a lot and her uterus was damaged in such a way that it was declared she could no longer conceive. The family liked pretense of the socially progressive family. So since Virender's brothers had male kids Virender was asked to keep her.

But for her husband not having a male child was shame. He never looked at his daughter, blamed her at every chance for him not having a male child. Even for small mistake beat her terribly. Suman never came in front of her dad as much as possible.

It was the need for social pretense that helped Suman. She was allowed to study Kathak, but was told that she could not perform outside. Suman was a very artistic girl who excelled in dance, dress design and writing. Since she had 3 elder sisters, her marriage was not immediately thought of and she continued school.

And in teenage when in came to her marriage Virender's family understood taking Suman out of school might result in their public loss of face because by that time Suman was a class topper and all teachers knew her. So it was decided for her to continue till 12th. After 12th in the public meeting the principal announced that since Suman has topped he has personally recommended her to AR college and Virender Rajput will not have any problem in that. Her father was trapped and that was the reason Suman was able to go to college.

Bhavani had thought her child had got wings. She will atleast escape her fate. But what she didn't know was much more cruel fate was waiting for her daughter.

Virender send spies occasionally to check on Suman and they came back telling during her second year that she was roaming with a guy. That was enough for Vijender and other family members to decide what to do for her. They immediately took the first alliance that came their way. Fixed it. Bought her by lie. And made her a prisoner in the room.

Bhavani remember her child's pleas " Maa I don't want to marry, I love.."

What was the boy's name Bhavani thought hard, Suman had told multiple times that name, but she was brutally slapped either by her father or by her uncles. After her attempt to kill herself she was always kept in semi sedation by giving her injections 3 times. She was never in steady state. Even for her wedding she was given injection.

Her MIL had asked why she is not walking steady and Bhavani had lied her daughter is not used to heavy dresses and jewellery. Truth was she was not even in complete conscious when the pheras happened.

She was guilty. She was guilty of doing it to her daughter. She was guilty of taking away life from her daughter. Now what will she do.

She looked at the Krishna idol in her room. " Hey Murali Manohar I will take any punishment you want to give. But give my child a chance to life. It is not her mistake, it is my mistake. I am the criminal for allowing such a marriage to my child because I wanted protection in this house. Give her a chance Murali Manohar. Give life to my child. It is a mother's prayer. Please listen to it" She cried bitterly in front of the Lord 

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