interview #33 @selenastarshine11

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1 what is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas because it reminds me my birthday is coming up soon and it is when presents and family come together

2 what is your advice for a newcomer?

Hangin there. Wattpad is amazing but it is really hard sometimes because of theGlitches and stuff and it is hard to get reads sometimes. You just have to giveit time

3 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

arggggg there are just way too much to choose from!!

4 what's one Wattpad goal?

to get me and my best friend book(KidnappedBesties) published

5 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

Again,it is just so ok damn hard to choose!! I would have a lot though..

6 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

going out with my family and friends because there is no one more important tocelebrate your life success with

7 who is your favorite author?

I don't really have favorites 

8 what's your favorite snack?

Anything that is edible

9 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

That you can be on wattpad and there will always be someone there for you. If you having a problem IRL we're here for you, if someone is bullying you we're here for you, if you need advice we're here for you. That's another thing to, you can be yourself here, you will hardly see bullies if any at all

10 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

yes,and I will probably always be because I have many insecurities, so I feelreally happy doing that someone like my story. And I love those funny comments,they make my day. 

11 how would you spend a rainy day?

onwattpad reading, then spend time with my family and text my friends 

Request time!

My book 'Kidnapped Besties' it is being written by me and my best friend. It is our first book. You should read it because it would help me out a lot. It is filled with experience, love and a lot of "I want that in real life"

It is called "Kidnapped Besties". It is (being) written by me and my best friend. The book is about two girls who are very close and best friends, some may even say sisters. They were talking their vacation from college on their puppy's birthday but was kidnapped by 4 extremely hot boys who are supposedly in a gang/Mafia. Now the girls must befriend their kidnappers to find out who hired them and other secrets. But will their plans backfire? And will it be in a good or bad way? Read it to find out❤

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