interview #8 @penny_bones16

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1. What's your favourite holiday and why?

I haven't been on many holiday's recently, but the one that always sticks in my mind was a fair few years ago when I went to Thailand with my parents but at Christmas. It was something completely different; no roast dinners and sat in the living room in our pajamas, but instead eating Thai food in a 5 -star restaurant and visiting a crocodile farm on Christmas day.

2. What's your favourite snack?

Probably anything chocolate. I tend to have something like that near me while I'm busy with university work, little incentives to keep going. Although I'm waiting for the day I have to go clothes shopping because I've gone up a size!

3. What's one Wattpad goal?

When I first heard of WattPad, I wasn't sure what to expect or what would come of it. I just liked the idea of a new avenue to show off my written work. It's been one of the best decisions of my life. I have made new friends, met some talented individuals and my writing has both grown and evolved because of it. I have already won a few awards, as well as losing some, and I am sure that won't be the end. But my main goal, ideally, would be to get a deal with WattPad Studios. The idea of one of my books (especially Rose Garden Sanatorium, the one I've worked on the most/hardest) to be put into a film or TV adaptation would be mind-blowing.

4. Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Absolutely. Especially at the moment. A lot of my writing has been put on hold as I am concentrating most of my energy on my university work at the moment, so I'm not as involved -as I used to be. So it's always a lovely surprise coming on and seeing a new vote, or a new comment, or a new fan following me. Recently I've been getting a few new votes on my story 'I fell in love with a psychopath' and it's always lovely coming on and seeing the votes go up. I never expected it to be so popular.

5. What's your favourite book?

I always say I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but I'm not sure I can say it is my favourite book(s), Harry Potter is what got me into writing and is a muse in a way, all the time I feel discouraged about my own work, I think about what J Rowling went through to get Harry Potter published. But I can't even say I have a favourite. I like to read a few different genres and all have their good points. I have loved reading Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus series, Isaac Marion's Warm Bodies, read a few Stephen King books, and classics like 1985 by George Orwell.

6. How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

This is a tough question, because a) I've never been there and b) I'm not sure about publishing through a traditional publisher. It's not say I haven't tried going down the publishing route, and it's not because I was rejected that I am disheartened about going to a traditional publisher. But I think about the restraints around traditional publishing and, if I can do it myself, how much better off I will be. Of course, traditional publishing is easier to get your work out into the public (not that it's easy to get into, because it isn't!) because traditional publishers have contacts and resources. But there comes the pressures with it, and the cuts in royalties. But, saying that, I might think differently if I were approached by a publisher. But I certainly will be going to a bar with a few friends and having a drink or two!

7. What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Music is something that helps me with writing, so this is a good question. If I find I am stuck and I need inspiration, I go to music. Lately I have been listening to a few different types, but one I keep going back to is "Natural" by Imagine Dragons. 

8. What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

This is a strange question for me, because I still consider myself a newcomer. I don't think it has quite sunk in yet that I have been on WattPad a while and I'm slowly building up a fan-base. But I would recommend, not just sticking it out and being patient with it, but getting involved; sign up to competitions, read other people's works (ones that you like, of course!), vote, comment, etc. I'd also recommend interacting on the 'community' section too, something that I haven't done much of, but would if I had more time.

9. What's your favourite movie?

Again, this is very similar to my favourite book answer. I don't really have a favourite movie. Ironically, I'm not that keen on the Harry Potter films, so it's certainly not Harry Potter in this answer. However, there are a few films that I have really enjoyed. The most recent one is Bohemian Rhapsody, although a few inaccuracies, an overall good film that depicts Freddie Mercury's life. I also recommend to any action-fans; Law Abiding Citizen. I also like the Book of Eli and a childhood favourite; Batteries not included.

10. What's your dream vacation?

I live in the UK. Right at the moment it is cold, cloudy and windy (thankfully it isn't raining at the moment!) so anywhere warm, dry and sunny would be nice! I also love travelling, so I have many places I would love to visit, from New Zealand to India. Although, I have said to many friends and family that I would love to visit California. So, this, if and when I can afford it, would be my next holiday (if I don't go somewhere closer and cheaper beforehand). 

11. What's your schedule regarding your writing?

At the moment, due to university work, I don't have one. I'd be lucky if I got any editing of my next book done! But previously, I would tend to set little goals for myself. I would set a goal of do at least a page of writing, or a chapter of editing, I'd also set myself a list of all the things I need to get done; updating my blog, update Wattpad, update Twitter, etc and tick them off one by one. I'd also, if I was done with a draft of one story, I'd go back to another story and re-read it and edit it, or develop another idea, going back to that draft after a break.

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Rose Garden Sanatorium

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Rose Garden Sanatorium. It's the book I have spent the most time on and the one I am trying desperately to get finished and published. There are a few chapters of it on WattPad, so you can read a bit of it now. It is a supernatural book, with demons, werewolves, etc, but it is quite dark, I have inspiration from Underworld and Constantine (the film) as well Johnathan Stroud for the humor and Harry Potter for the realism. It's about a woman who is by no means perfect and is suddenly sucked into a strange world that has been kept hidden from humanity for centuries, but suddenly a portal has been opened and all hell has broken loose – literally, and this woman, Taylor, is not only sucked in but she is put right into the spot light, everyone starts to believe she opened the portal and she has to learn to trust someone for help. But the one person she thought she could trust, she couldn't, and the one person she never thought she could trust, she really should, even though he's one of the Seven Princes of Hell. If you like a happy ending though, there isn't really one in the first book.

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