interview #35 @simranm17

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1 what's your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is Halloween! I love magic and all things spooky so it's a holiday I gravitate towards. Also, fall is my favorite season, so the cool air, the candy and witchy feelings, is heaven for me.

 2 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

I don't really have one which is something I desperately need to work on. I work and go to school full time so when I have a chance to write, I do.

3 what's your favorite book? 

My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers (Philosopher's) Stone by JK Rowling.

4 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

Read as much as you write. That is the best way to hone your craft: you're exposed to different writing styles, new words, and how to pace a story. It helps a lot.

5 what's one Wattpad goal ?

To finish all of the stories I've started.

 6 who is your favorite author?

Sarah J Maas

 7 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment? 

Every single time. It makes me so happy.

8 what's your favorite snack? 

Chips and hot salsa

9 how would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

Get together with my best friends and family and have a dinner party at my house.

10 what's the best way to handle a bully? 

Stand up to them and get help if you need it. Whether that's from an adult, police, a parent, or your friends. 

11 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

How immersive the reading experience is. I love reading a story and seeing the comments as I go because now it feels like I'm reading with a group of friends rather than on my own.

 Request time!

I would recommend The Boy Band Protection Program because it's super fun and has a lot of pop culture references that I think people will enjoy. There's a romance, supernatural elements, and basically something for everyone!

Meet the authors Edition #3  (Dec 2018 To April 2019)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora