interview #34 @AnnelieLeddy

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1 what's your favorite book?

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel.

2 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Always ask people to clarify their tone or intentions in the comments. I was once slammed by an author who took my comment out of context and she lied and made a huge deal out of painting me to be a know-it-all and even insulted my major. So before jumping to conclusions always ask people in comments to verify their intentions and tone, sometimes the words mean one thing, but tone changes it completely. 

3 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

Funny enough, it's the comment section. It is so great to have a place where readerscan tell me their reactions to any particular section of my book.

4 how would you spend a rainy day?

Like any other day. I live in an area where it is either super dry and sunny orraining and windy, so I take the beauty out of it and make the most of it.

5 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Picking a song at random I would say Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish. It's reallycatchy, it can be romantic but also sad and her vocals are amazing. I'm goingto her concert in December because my sister is a die-hard fan.

6 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I usually write in bed at 8:30 at night unless I work the closing shift. It'salways right before bed though, I'll go to bed early just because I know I'llwrite and then look at the clock and it's been two hours and I'm not asleepyet. If I have something that I am dead set on finishing and I have the sceneor chapter laid out then it'll be early morning.

7 what's your dream vacation?

A place with serious historical significance. A route trip of Europe from oneplace to another. A place far from the Ocean, I have severe thallasophobia.

8 what's your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is July 4th but not for reasons you'd think. I just lovethe togetherness and the fireworks, the partying and the traditions.

9 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

Taylor Swift because she helped me out through the toughest parts of my life. I think we would drink wine, jam out to her underrated songs and I would just ask her a tong of questions. Probably bake and probably talk about cats.

10 Who is your favorite author?

Alicia Marino. She is just passionate, very detailed and have a way of taking you in and making you feel comfortable. Emily St. John Mandel is like that as well, but I've read more of Alicia Marino's work than anyone else.

11 what's your favorite movie?

You've Got Mail is my favorite movie specifically because of the cliché love and thehonesty of people being flawed.

request time!

"Islands" is the first book of a trilogy. It's about love and mystery but most importantly its about loving someone and having a love for you not based on what other people think. Someone should consider reading if they enjoy a romance that is unusual but also passionate and deep, as well as some mystery and some humor. It's one of a kind. I wrote the book out of annoyance of not finding something like it.

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