interview #21 @Elanna11Children11 (Michelle Nicholas)

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1 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't work on a daily schedule. I write snippets that I spend a few days a week stringing into longer chapters. I have four projects on the go. January to May is dedicated to a book from Elanna's Children Series. June is research for the stand alone that I write eight or so chapters for the Watties in July. August, I have some down time. September and October, I use to research for Nanowrimo and December is another down time month.

2 what's your favourite book?

I don't have a favourite book. I have favourite book series. Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters and Sisters of the heart series, Megan Fall's multiple series.

3 what's your favourite holiday and why?

Overlooking a beach anywhere around Nelson Bay in New South Wales Australia. I find that there is something soothing about the waves crashing on the shore at night. Dolphin and whale watching. Laid back atmosphere.

4 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Pentatonix's cover of Havana. It has a mellow vibe that has me swaying and singing without even realizing I'm doing it.

5 what's one Wattpad goal?

Build a bigger reader base that will in turn follow me when I release new paperbacks.

6 if you could hang out with your favourite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

Grant Gustin. I'd visit the Flash set, hang out over lunch and see if I could get the name of his agent for a possible movie deal should two of my books ever be picked up.

7 who is your favourite author?

Megan Fall.

8 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Don't be afraid to write and don't apologize for your content. Everyone has a different writing voice and it's ok to be unique.

9 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I have a bottle of Writer's Tears which is a good Irish whiskey that I have every time I release a new book. I think I'd have a few drinks after dancing around my kitchen in shock.

10 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Yes. I don't have a huge Wattpad following. It makes me happy to know that my writing is connecting with people around the world and making an impact.

11 what's your favourite part of Wattpad?

We're all equal. It doesn't matter if you're traditionally published, indie published or a newbie. Good writing is good writing.

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When I Made You Smile

When a broken ballerina is forced to adjust to life outside the dance world she is sent to boarding school to finish her education. She manages to catch Seb Echo's attention. He is the son and heir to a successful foundation when all he really wishes to do is build tiny houses for the rest of his life.

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