Interview #20 @AliceHausling

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1 what do you enjoy most about Wattpad?

Definitely the community! Hands down, it's the best part. Whether I'm reading a book, receiving feedback on my own stories, or interacting on the forums, it's all wonderful.

2 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

My favorite song is Say It Ain't So by Weezer. It describes a difficult time in a teenager's life, when things are completely overwhelming, and then as an adult how the memories can still be difficult to think of. And it's got a killer guitar riff!

3 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Pursue the stories that bring you joy, not those that you think will gain you popularity. We all want our work to be read, it's natural and understandable. But if you write a story for the sole purpose of reads, it'll show in the writing. People respond to something genuine.

Just keep at it, you'll find readers as you go even if it takes time! My current book doesn't follow the standard formula and it took quite a while for anyone to read it. But now it has a couple thousand views, loyal readers, and it's won several awards. That's why I encourage newcomers to write what they love and not worry about attaining popularity right away.

4 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follower or comment?

Absolutely! It never fails to bring a smile to my face. It truly means a lot—every vote, every comment, every time.

5 what's your dream vacation?

Scotland, I think it's a gorgeous country and I would love to go. I'd also love to go to Spain.

6 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you do?

My favorite author is T.S. Eliot. I would just love to chat with him about his writing process, where his inspiration came from, and what motivated him to keep writing. That'd be amazing.

7 how would you spend a rainy day?

It sounds cliche but reading. Preferably with a cup of hot tea in hand. ;)

8 Who is your favorite celeb?

I don't follow celebrities too closely but I do love films and watch a lot of them. Most of my favorite celebs are long-dead actors/actresses. Audrey Hepburn was a stunning person, probably the kindest celebrity there ever was. She set an example, showing how celebrities can use their fame to bring about real change in the world. If I had to choose a current celeb...I think it'd have to be Saoirse Ronan, she's a wonderful actress and all-around cool chick.

9 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't write every day but I do write every week. I'll do a couple hundred words here and there during the week but then I sit down and write an entire chapter on the weekends. Posting weekly on Wattpad has helped me stay regular which was always hard for me before. I do spend a long time on it, I can take an hour writing a single paragraph, trying to perfect it. At a certain point you have to say, "That's enough, I have to accept this as is and move along." But I hope the care I take over each word of each sentence comes through and that readers can sense that. One can hope, at least!

10 what inspired you to write?

That's hard to say, it's just a part of me. I learned to read and write earlier than many of my peers. By the age of 4 I was writing poetry. I never stopped! It's a part of me, the inspiration was there from the start. I couldn't *not* write. And I'll keep writing 'til the day I die.

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My current book is called The Romancing of Tuesday Dennings

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My current book is called The Romancing of Tuesday Dennings. It's an epistolary novel, so it's composed of letters and nothing else. That makes it unique and I think that appeals to readers looking for something a little different. I do have to say that it's very serious and heavy. I think those who enjoy something slow-paced that really delves deep into the characters would like it. While it is a romance, it's more than that. It's about people, human connections, tragedy, and how we cope with past traumas. If you like that sort of thing, it's worth a look!

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