Interview #1 @ZGcrew

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1 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

 I originally forced myself into committing to write at least once a week. However, I'm excited about getting the stories to specific points of their timeline (that exists in my mind) and being that I'm a flight attendant I find myself writing updates during the down time of the flights (after service is done, before initial descent or on red eyes when everyone is asleep). 

2 what inspired you to write?

 The void I would feel after finishing a good series of books. It sounds silly but after spending countless hours living (quite literally in a book) it was very saddening to not have any update on them once I was done.

 3 what's one Wattpad goal? 

Be the writer of one of those stories people can go to, when they want to decompress from reality.

 4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

It would be, without question, Duff Goldman. And we would most definitely spend the day baking the craziest desserts you could think of (In his kitchen though cause...yeah no body got time for dishes lol). 

5 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment? 

Yeah. So much that if you check both stories, a chapter has been posted right after I get a new comment or vote. Its like I get so excited someone out there read my story and liked it that, well, I have to give them more! As for follows, I do as well. I make it a point to go to their pages, follow and browse through their work because I am still a reader myself. 

6 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

 I think id be a silly celebration. I just know I would run outside screaming at the top of my lungs, waving the email back and forth and then I would meet with my little sister and her friends (who introduced me to Wattpad).

7 what's the best way to handle a bully? 

Well, depends on the bully. If it's the physical kind, run, run like hell (also come back with the authorities and seek help, no one heals alone). But if it's an emotional bully (which I've encountered many times and I'm sure I'll encounter many more). Work on yourself. It sounds crazy, but its true. Work on yourself until you understand that: 1) you are perfect the way you are. 2) the mistakes you make don't define you 3) the actions you take to correct them reflect the real you. Only then would you have disarmed the bully; only then would you be bulletproof against hateful words spoken by people who are truly unhappy with themselves.

 8 what's your favorite holiday and why?

 Christmas. All the lights and decorations make me as happy as they did when I was a child. Although my favorite part about it is witnessing the excitement of the kids (my niece, the neighbors, etc.) when they get their presents. 

9 what's your favorite movie? 

P.S I love you. Which is odd because I hate sad movies but, well, there was so much love in the final acts of this dying man (making sure his wife could go on without him) that I just love it. 

10 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

My favorite author is P.C Cast. It was with her books that I discovered I could "live" the book. And I think I would ask her how she manages to keep her ideas contained. I feel like with each story my brain just wants to go every direction and sometimes I just loose sight of what I actually want to create. 

11 what's your dream vacation?

 Lol, hard to pick one for a flight attendant. But I think if I had to choose I would say a trip around the world in 130 days, visiting places like: France, Hungary, Germany, Iceland, Canada, Japan, Argentina.

request time!

Becoming Eve is the book I'm most excited about and therefore the one I would recommend to people

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Becoming Eve is the book I'm most excited about and therefore the one I would recommend to people. So far, the formula for good books has been (not arguing it, because I'm a sucker for those): a girl, has a destiny she doesn't know or want, she accepts it and then she saves the world. Well, Lilith is only special because there is nothing special about her. Nothing, no magic, zero Pzaz. I don't want to give away too much because, its on going but, Becoming Eve is the kind of book that focuses on integrating little details and historic references of our world into a fantasy world rule by fae, and magical factions were humans don't even exist to develop a story line that is easy to follow, compelling and in a way, instructive.

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