interview #30 @tfuzzballball

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1 what's one Wattpad goal? 

Probably to finish writing Escape and publish it as a new story on wattpad. Escape was the first novel that I felt so strongly for and I remember being so excited to write each new chapter. I really hope I can finish writing the new version and release it so that I can, in a way, repay the debt I owe to that story because it brought me so much purpose at that point in my life.

2 what inspired you to write?

Writing was kind of a calling for me, so I can't say that there was a direct source of inspiration that pushed me to start writing. I've been doing it since before I knew how to read or write. I would grab notebooks and scribble random stuff inside pretending I knew how to write haha. But I guess reading so many books and watching so many movies over the course of my childhood made me want to pursue writing my own stories.

 3 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I have no idea. I've never even imagined being able to close a publishing deal. It just seems like such a distant dream. But I feel like I would just celebrate with my group of close friends and family. Maybe go out with my friends for a day to celebrate and have dinner with my family.

 4 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Yes. I'm SO inactive on wattpad nowadays and I'm just surprised when someone new follows me. But to be fair, it's been years since I've written on wattpad so the fact that my works and my account is more or less dead isn't surprising to me. It's been years since I finished my last wattpad story.

 5 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES. He's the biggest inspiration in my life and my only role model ( besides my family and friends ). He makes me so happy and I think spending a day with him and getting to really know him would be like heaven on earth.

6 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

I have no schedule lmao. I write when inspiration hits me. Over the years I've been getting busier and busier, so my passion for writing has dwindled over time. Right now, I would say my schedule is non existent because I don't really find the inspiration to sit down and write anymore. I need to work on that.

7 what's your dream vacation?

My dream vacation ... hmm, I love Australia so maybe visiting the Gold Coast? Or a trip to Italy, the architecture and scenery is gorgeous there.

 8 how would you spend a rainy day? 

Rainy days are ONLY meant for sleeping, nothing else. Maybe a good movie, binging YouTube videos and if I'm in the mood, writing/reading.

9 what's your favorite movie? 

My favourite movie? Omg I can't choose one. My favourite female-empowering movie is Wonder woman, I admire her and her story a lot. My favourite rom-com is Love, Rosie. I could rewatch that movie a million times and still feel like crying. Can't choose my favourite animated movie because Disney is too good at what they do.

10 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

my favourite holiday that I've been on? Probably my trip to Melbourne, Australia. I love the city's vibe and the BEACH. OMG. DON'T GET ME STARTED. Australian beaches are my happy place. There's just something about Melbourne that I can't get over.

11 Who is your favorite author? 

Too many to choose from. I've been reading Jenny Han's books since I was 10 so she's always been one of the pivotal authors in my life. Renegade by J. A Souders changed my life and made me fall in love with thrillers and helped me explore darker themes in my writing, such as my book Escape.

Request time!

Right now, I don't have any books of mine that I want to recommend because they're all older works. But hopefully, when I finish writing Escape sometime in the future, people can check it out and let me know what they think. :)

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