interview #5 @Emilishepard

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1 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween, because I love all the costumes and the candy and just the whole scary, halloweenish vibe.

2 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

You can't please everyone. Just do what you want to do and don't worry too muchabout what other people want.

3 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Any song by Calvin Harris

4 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Definitely. I'm surprised every time because I can't wrap my head around the fact thatpeople actually want to read the stuff that I write on here.

5 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

KiernanShipka. I've been totally obsessed with her since I started watching the ChillingAdventures of Sabrina. She just seems so nice and down to earth.

6 what's your favorite movie?

Big Hero 6. I swear to God I still cry every time at the end. Baymax is just soadorable!!!

7 what's your favorite book?

Not just one book but the whole Feverblood series by Karen Marie Moning. I read allof the books in like less than two weeks.

8 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love that everyone can express themselves and their own interests in such anopen community and get in touch with people with the same interests. 

9 what's your dream vacation?

A totally relaxing beach vacation with lots of swimming and sunbathing.

10 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Honestly,not much of a celebrator, so probably by ordering myself a big pizza andbinging on some really unhealthy snacks. Perhaps a celebratory ice cream.

11 Who is your favorite author? 

As mentioned before, Karen Marie Moning. I am obsessed with her. Literally obsessed.

request time

Pranking the Bad Boy - It might be a bit cliche, or a lot a bit, and perhaps a little amateur written, but it's pretty funny. Or at least I would say so. Kennedy is super confident and funny and literally embodies what I wish I was like. And everyone like a bad boy. Even if just a little.

 Even if just a little

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