interview #16 @mariajenkins143

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1 What's the best piece of advice, you could give a newcomer?

I would have to say read. Read a lot. Read everything. To a young writer, that's one of the main things that is going to help them learn and grow. It's how I found out how I wanted to write, what I wanted to sound like. I read everything and anything. Start with the classics and go from there.

2 What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love seeing people's responses to my work. I like seeing the readers become engaged in the story and fall in love with the characters just like I did while writing them.

3 What is your favorite book?

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The greatest book ever written. It's beautiful and simple and poetic and magical and it made me realize the kind of impact literature can on someone based on the impact it had on me and my life. I couldn't recommend it higher.

4 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Yeah. Of course. Definitely. I started uploading things to Wattpad because my sister liked the format as a way to read my stuff and comment on it. Anyone else who ever finds my books or stumbles across my profile is a complete surprise. I never expected anyone other than my sisters to read my stories.

5 What is your dream vacation?

I was have to say Paris in the spring. I'd stay in my own apartment for a few weeks and really become a local in a new city. 

6 What's your writing schedule?

It depends. It's changed a couple of times over the fast few years because life and stuff. I wrote after dinner for a long time once I started to get really serious about my writing.. Recently it's been mid-morning, after I've gotten up and got breakfast and started in on my day. But I always make sure that when I go to write, I spend at least fifteen minutes in front of my computer. If I can write, great! If I can't, well at least I got my butt in the chair.

7 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Oh boy. I don't know. Maybe a big brunch with my family? I'd probably buy my sister Joy a new computer. The rest of whatever money I would get would go to helping pay house bills and supporting my family. Maybe put some aside for that vacation to Paris? I don't know. I honestly haven't thought about it.

8 If you could spend the day with your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

PG Wodehouse. He died awhile go so he would have to either come back to life or I would have to be teleported back to New York in the 1920's. Either way we'd have a super long lunch at some swanky restaurant and then stroll through the city streets talking philosophy and social psychology and writing and then end with a Broadway show he probably helped write with drinks at some jazz club to end the night. Sounds like fun to me. 

9 What's the best way to spend a rainy day?

Reading by a fire and then falling asleep listening to your favorite sad songs while staring out the window while the rain pours down like you're in a music video or a sad montage in a movie.

10 If you could spend the day with your favorite celeb, who would you choose and what would you do?

Tyler Joseph. One hundred percent. (He's the front man for Twenty-One Pilots if you didn't know.) I'd love to spend the day in his hometown and have him show me all his favorite places, tell me about his life, just the two of us reminiscing. And then I'd go watch him and the band set up for a show while I pour out the millions of questions I have for them about their life and their career what it's like to be them. And then at the end of the day I would be watching one of their shows from back stage and then going to hang out with the band and their friends and family and crew. 

11 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Right now I'm loving More Than Words by Little Mix. The chorus is amazing and the whole production of the song is brilliant. I love it. It's emotional and raw and intense and beautiful. Great song. Make sure to check it out.

request time!

The holidays are over but that doesn't mean the spirit of the season can't live on! I wrote a book called "Home For Christmas!" It's cute! It's sweet! It's charming! And it's the only book of mine on Wattpad completed! Check it out!

The holidays are over but that doesn't mean the spirit of the season can't live on! I wrote a book called "Home For Christmas!" It's cute! It's sweet! It's charming! And it's the only book of mine on Wattpad completed! Check it out!

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