interview #38 @CrystalAndFelicity (a joint account)

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1 what is your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

Crystal: Interacting with readers with inline comments. 

Felicity: Getting to see what people think of your work immediately - like Crystal said, the ability to interact with readers. 

2 How would you advise a Wattpad Newbie? 

Crystal/Felicity: Find like-minded people to follow, read others' works, leave comments and votes, make use of the message boards. Don't be afraid to talk to other readers and writers. After all, that's how the two of us met to begin with.

 3 How would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

Crystal/Felicity: Oh, how we have dreamed about this, and we hope that one day we can make it a reality. First, we'd definitely find a place to meet up and partake in a LOT of wine.

 4 What inspired you to write? 

Crystal: I can't remember a time when I wasn't a storyteller. But as far as writing goes, I would have to say it was at the peak of the YA phenomenon and I realized that my stories may have an audience.

 Felicity: I have been writing since I was a kid, but as far as writing whole, full stories... I started out writing Harry Potter fanfiction, as I was a super fan, but eventually, I got the courage to write a book with my own original characters and plot. I had so many ideas in my head, and I just had to get them out on paper. 

5 What is your favorite book? 

Crystal: This is a hard question, so I'm going to answer with the current book I'm reading and loving which is Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. 

Felicity: This is an easy question. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck 

6 Who is your favorite celeb? 

Crystal: Harry Styles 

Felicity: Patrick Wilson

7 What's your favorite season? 

Crystal: Spring. There are citrus trees where I live and love the smell of orange blossoms. Felicity: Summer because I love the sunshine and warmth on my cheeks.

 8 What's the best way to handle a bully? 

Crystal: I was bullied as a kid and the one thing that really helped me through it was having one friend I could turn to. Just one person who shows you kindness can make all the difference. 

Felicity: I have had a firsthand experience with a Wattpad bully. For a while, I just ignored them, but it didn't work, as they just kept on and on pushing me. Eventually, I stood up for myself with the help of my friends - and that's it. You need support. Don't try to handle it alone. 

9 If you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you do? 

Crystal: Cassandra Clare. She has had massive success and seen her books on shelves, TV and movies. I would love to pick her brain about the business aspect that has come along with her success. 

Felicity: Stephen King. I would just love to sit down with him and hear all about how he got his start and how he comes up with his ideas. 

10 What is your favorite TV show?

 Crystal: I'm not a big TV watcher but there is one show that I never miss an episode as soon as it airs and that is... Game of Thrones

Felicity: Oh my... this is really, really hard for me to answer. But... my current favorite is The Good Doctor. 

11 What's your favorite movie?

 Crystal: 50 First Dates because who doesn't love a good RomCom

 Felicity: Stand by Me - I love the ensemble cast, the humor, and the coming-of-age element.

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 And who doesn't love a story about forbidden love?

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