interview #33 @Gorge0

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1 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

I'm not sure I'm the best person to answer this question, as I still considermyself to be a newcomer, but I think it's always best to be true to yourself.As cheesy as it sounds, you need to write for yourself, because if you enjoyit, then so will your readers.

2 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I have no idea who I would choose, there are so many people!

3 what's your favorite book?

Again, I don't think I could choose just one! I love the Harry Potter series, and the Percy Jackson series. Another favourite of mine is the Lockwood & Co. series.

4 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I think I'm a very indecisive person, because again, I don't have just onefavourite. I really enjoy Counting Stars, by One Republic. Also, Heroes, byMåns Zelmerlöw. I could probably name another dozen too.

5 how would you spend a rainy day?

To be honest, I'd probably spend my rainy days like any other. I don't tend to letthat sort of thing stop me from following through with my plans. And by plans Imean sitting in my room reading a good book! :)

6 Who is your favorite author?

I have many favourite authors, but to name a few would be J.K. Rowling, RickRiordan and Jonathan Stroud (who the authors of the books are I previouslymentioned in the third question).

7 what's the best way to handle a bully?

Kill them with kindness. I don't think anything could be more irritating for a bullythen to see that it doesn't bother you, and that you won't sink to their level.Or better yet, kill them with silence. Why do they deserve your time andattention?

8 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't have much of a schedule, as I tend towrite as I become inspired or think of ideas.

9 what's one Wattpad goal?

I think it would be amazing to reach even a thousand votes or followers. I think getting recognition for my work would be a dream come true!

10 what's your favorite holiday and why?

It's got to be Christmas! Christmas just has it all; family time, food, fairylights, decorations, chocolate, presents. And it's just so exciting! I thinkit's a good way to end the year! :)

11 if you received a publishing deal, how would you celebrate ?

I think I would be paralyzed in shock if I got a publishing deal. Then I'd probably tell everyone I know and have ever known before treating myself to a McDonalds and chocolate ice-cream!

request time!

For my request, I think I'd have to say The Bakers' Dozen. It's what I'm currently writing as I have the most inspiration for it, and I think it tackles certain hardships a young career would have to face, which is something I'd actually like to raise awareness for. Although, my main character Jax does have a more extreme case than most, I hope that it still portrays the reality that some people have to cope with, even people we could see everyday, and not have a clue about the burdens they carry on their shoulders. Wow, this got quite deep, lol. But on a serious note again, it means a lot to people to offer your support, because that might be enough for them to face their struggles.

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