interview #34 @EverlarkCatoniss

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1 What's the best way to spend a day?

Depends on the weather of course. If it's a beautiful, warm and sunny day, I love to be outside. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, I could be washing my car or going for a walk or playing tennis with some friends, but I like to be outside when the weather is nice. If it's cold and rainy, curling up under a blanket and reading, writing, or watching Netflix is my go to. 

 2 What's your favorite book? 

For as long as I can remember, my favorite books were The Hunger Games trilogy. And, though I have read well over a hundred books, no others stick out in my mind as much as those. Read as many popular books as you can to get a feel for the demand from wattpad viewers. See what the community likes to read, and then create your own idea and stick with it.


3 What's the best thing about Wattpad?

Best thing about Wattpad is that it is a social media site for aspiring authors. Getting a book legitimately published is one thing- you can make money and you can read reviews. However, here on Wattpad you can see what people think of your book as you're creating it. They can comment on any line they want to, and you get to see what lines draw readers in the most. It's very helpful for an author who wants to see what best catches the attention of an audience. 

4. What's a good tip for a newcomer?

"Read as many popular books as you can......"

 5 What's the best way to handle a bully?

Punch them. No I'm totally kidding. The best way to handle a bully is either to be the bigger person and walk away without giving them the reaction they want, or you can report them. Get evidence and report them to stop them from bullying you and others.

 6 What is your favorite movie? 

My favorite movie is The Breakfast Club. I have many movies I adore, but I think I have seen that movie more than any other and I can quote it basically word for word.

7 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

When I first started writing on Wattpad I was beyond excited and pleased with every new voter or commenter, however with the success I have now it's hard to keep up with every vote and every comment because I can open Wattpad, after only an hour of being away from it, and get over a thousand notifications of new followers, a new vote, and new comments. I go through and read as many as I can, and it still excites me to no end to see this amazing support I have! 

 8 If you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

Favorite author is a tough one, because I like such a wide variety of books. So I don't have a favorite author to choose, however if I could ask any successful author one question it would be 'what is the best marketing strategy?' Because it is one thing to have a good book, it's another to get that book out there to the world. 

 9 Who is your favorite celeb?

Jennifer Lawrence. Love her and always will. She is sophisticated, beautiful, not afraid to be herself, and very self-aware. I watched her on an episode of 60 Minutes and I saw how well spoken she is, how intelligent she is, and how she still values the little things while living such a big life.

 10 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

i love all kinds of music, my favorite genres being country and classic rock. I can't choose just one song to love, haha.

11 What's your favorite holiday and why? 

Favorite Holiday is Christmas. Not because I receive gifts, though that is a huge bonus, but because now that I'm older I put a lot of thought into what I'm going to get others and I absolutely love seeing their reactions when they open the gifts I got them. It's a time to spend with family, and I don't see my extended family as often as I'd like. So spending any amount of time with them is always a blessing.

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