interview #48 @CMBWriter

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1 what's a piece of advice you'd give a newcomer?

The piece of advice I would give to a newcomer is to write what you want to read and are going to enjoy writing. I know it may seem tempting to write what you think is going to get you more readers, but if you don't like what you're writing, then what's the point? So, don't follow the trends (unless that's what you actually want to write) and write the story you want to tell. Chances are there'll be someone else who wants to read it too!

2 what inspired you to write?

I'm honestly not entirely sure. Probably multiple things. One, I've always been afan of good stories and later books once I learned how to read, and two; my IEWwriting class was a lot of fun for me, so I'd say that those were the twobiggest inspirations for me to write. As for what inspired me to start writinga book, it was literally just me having a weird dream one night and upon wakingup, decided that it would make a good book. I was eleven at the time and had noclue what I was doing, but I'm sure glad I decided to write that day.

3 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Okay,honestly, pretty sure I would be hysterically crying/shouting for joy at first.Then I would be telling my family and all my friends the good news. After thatthough, I would go to a bookstore, buy some new books, then head over to thenearest coffee shop and get a large hot chocolate with whipped cream. That'spretty simple I guess, but I think it would be a nice way to just soak in thefact that I got a publishing deal. Plus, can you imagine being in a bookstoreand walking through the shelves, knowing that you're on your way to actuallyseeing your book there one day? That's sounds absolutely wonderful to me.

4 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Hmm, how to choose? Well one song I really like is 'So Far Away' by Black Gryphon. It's really good!

5 what's your favorite book?

You know, I used to never know how to answer this question because there are somany good books out there that I love. Now I've got an answer! The first book Iwrote, because no matter how terrible it might be, I'll always appreciate thetime and effort I put into it. But that being said, one of my favorite seriesis the 'Ever Afters' series by Shelby Bach, which is amazing but nobody I knowseems to have heard of it, so seriously go check it out!

6 what's your favorite movie?

I don't really have one since I don't watch a lot of movies. (I watch more shows than movies) I really liked 'Kubo and the Two Strings' so I'll go with that.

7 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Absolutely! It always brings a smile to my face. :)

8 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I don't know if she really counts as a celebrity (I don't really know any celebrities, sorry!) but I would choose Ink Rose since I think it would awesome to get to hang out with her. As for what we would do, I guess just hang out and talk? Maybe I would ask for some tips on how to improve my artwork and writing.

9 what's one Wattpad goal?

Good question. I guess my goal is to hopefully build up a bit of a reader audienceof people who like my writing. Another goal is to just get more used to howWattpad works, since I haven't been here that long.

10 what's the best way to handle a bully?

I've never been bullied so I don't know how much my words are worth here, but I think it depends on the situation. If it gets really bad and nothing you do is stopping the bully, then tell an adult, preferably your parents. To anybody who is being bullied, don't listen to their words, you hear? You matter, you're important, and you're going to make this world a better place. Never forget that.

11 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

Yikes!Where do I even start? Okay, so first things first, I'm currently working onthree projects right now; the second draft of the first book in my fantasyseries, the first draft of the second book in the same fantasy series, and theoutline for the sequel to the spin-off story I wrote a while back about twocharacters from that series. So, my current schedule is to write a little eachday on whatever project I decide to work on that day. Currently I'm not postinganything to Wattpad but I'm making lots of progress on my next Wattpad projectand hope to reveal the title to that soon!

Request time!

The story I have on Wattpad is called 'The Finch and the Woodpecker; A Fantasy Friendship Story.' It takes place in an original world inspired by ballet stories (particularly Swan Lake) with nonhuman characters. (the characters are a fantasy species I came up with) If you like heartwarming stories with some angst thrown in, then I think you would like it. :)

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