interview #18 @openalltheboxes

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1 what's a tip you'd pass to a newcomer? 

Just keep writing. The endeavor of creating a book—or a poem, or a short story, or whatever—can be heart-wrenching, scary, solitary, and frustrating. (It can also be so damn exciting it gives you the best high there is.) But during those low times when you're thinking "I can't write for shit"? Just keep doing it. 

2 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

It's very scientific. First, I spend about four hours avoiding my computer altogether. I'll go for a run, listen to a podcast, do dishes, fold laundry, clean the house, bake a pie...anything not to write. I spend this entire time thinking about how I'm going to write very soon. After the house is spotless and there's literally nothing else to do, I sit down at my laptop and spend more time avoiding writing. I watch YouTube videos about the Real Housewives and read articles that make me depressed. Then I go to bed! (This is not a joke.)

When I finally do force myself to work, I find that I do my best writing when I first wake up or late, late at night. I also travel a lot, so force myself to write whenever I'm on a plane. 

3 what's your favorite book?

 It's ever-changing. I just finished Tara Westover's memoir, Educated and loved that. And I'll always put Caitlin Moran's How to Build a Girl in my top three.

4 what's one Wattpad goal? 

When I started writing on Wattpad, my goal was to finish a rough manuscript and get 1000 reads on it. The fact that I finished that manuscript (and published it as a full-fledged novel!) and that people continue to read, vote, and comment has me floored.

5 Who is your favorite author?

 J.K. Rowling. Cliché maybe, but she is such a phenomenal builder of worlds and characters. And I love the way she uses language.

6 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

I'd like to spend a day on tour with the band Los Campesinos!. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a touring musician, and I love them and their music so much.

7 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

 Too many to name, so here's the short list of songs I'd like played at my funeral:

1. "Anthem" – Greta Van Fleet

2. "Colors" – Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

3. "See You Soon" - Coldplay

4. "Hallelujah" – Jeff Buckley

8 how would you spend a rainy day?

 I live in southern California, so don't get too many rainy days. When I do, I like to wear my pajamas for as long as possible and curl up by the fire with an engrossing book and a snack. The ultimate luxury: to go to a movie in the middle of the day and treat myself to a massive popcorn.

9 what's your favorite holiday and why?

 Halloween. You can be whoever you want to be, and there's candy. What's not to love?

10 what's your favorite snack? 

Chips. (Potato chips! Tortilla chips! Pita chips! Black bean/flax seed chips!) I freaking love chips.

11 what's your favorite part of Wattpad? 

The community. I love that people come to the site to read and write however/whatever they want, and I love the way readers and writers support each other. I'm constantly shocked by the amount of love and kindness I find on Wattpad.

request time!

I'd love for people to read Boarding with the Bad Boy. BwtBB is the first draft of the novel I eventually published on Kindle, iBooks, and Nook under the title The Boarders. If the blurb below is interesting to you, go check it out!

If Lo Somers had known the trouble it'd cause, she'd never have gotten into that car three summers ago. She'd been only fourteen then, naïve—stupid even. She hadn't expected Brandon Ott to hold it against her so ferociously he'd dedicate his high school career to ruining her.

If Sam Evans had any idea the girl that destroyed Brandon Ott's family was going to show up in Salisbury on the eve of his senior year, he might have given his best friend a head's up. At the very least, he'd have stayed far the hell away. But Lo is thrust into his path unexpectedly and she's not leaving his life—or his head—anytime soon.

Despite all the reasons they should hate each other, Sam and Lo find themselves drawn together. The only problem? Brandon knows it, and he's not happy.

 The only problem? Brandon knows it, and he's not happy

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