interview #10 @AuthorJMColes

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1 what's your favorite book?

My favorite book is Heaven by Randy Alcorn for many reasons but one of the bestis that he proves our pets will be in Heaven with us using both Old and NewTestaments. Too many Christians are dour about such things and they ruin thedelight Christ had in creation no them fir us

2 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas!The spirit of love and fellowship and generosity can't be dimmed bycommercialism

3 what's your daily writing routine?

My goal is 10-1030pm write and then post twice a week 

4 what's one Wattpad goal?

My friends know my one Wattpad goal is 28 MILLION reads! The first book I read onWattpad had that many reads and the comments made the book

5 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I would celebrate a publishing deal by having my friends over for dinner with lavish desserts 

6 how would you advise a Wattpad newbie?

Wattpad newbie: write because you must, because you enjoy it. Enjoy learning how to improve your craft. If you do it for reads or fir praise, ultimately you'll be disappointed 

7 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

I would ask CS Lewis  and how he infused Christ intohis writing without preaching

8 what's your favorite movie?

Favorite movie is Elf. My family and I watch it each year 

9 how would you spend a rainy day?


10 what's your favorite TV show?

Hmmm TV is a group activity for me, so I let my family choose. When I'm by myself and want something in the background while I write, I put on DVD's on the 90's Batman the Animated Series.

11 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

I'm always amazed when someone reads my book, especially if they're just surfing. The publisher who asked fir my whole manuscript said, "I publish weird, and this is WEIRD!" Sadly, he sold his publishing house soon thereafter and I lost all heart to submit anymore

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If you like action, dark humor, and something out of the ordinary, please check out The Vigilante And The Dragon, Book 1 in the Guardians Saga

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