interview #41 @Crimson_Graves

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1. What's the best way to handle a bully?

 If someone was attacking either me or one of my friends, I would definitely report it. Both to wattpad and to an ambassador. Don't listen to people like that. 

2. How would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

First I would probably cry. Then I would probably call all my friends and let them know. And then I would go buy my whole family a fancy dinner . Lol

 3. What's one wattpad goal?

This is a hard one because I have so many, but I want to be known as a well written horror novelist on here. Horror is my favorite genres to write about, so I would love to gain some recognition on here for that. 

4. If you could spend the day with your fave celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I would prob choose Stephen King. He has left such an impactful mark on the horror genre. I would love to get some insider tips on building suspense and such.

 5. What's your writing schedule?

 I try to update once a week. Sometimes life gets in the way but I try. I try to write at least three nights a week if not more. 

6. What's your favorite movie?

 Oof that's hard. I'm a big marvel fan, but from my childhood, Matilda has been my favorite. It was such a good movie and I related to her so much. 

7. What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I have a wiiide range of music from classic rock, indie, pop, and alternative. I love twenty one pilots, Hozier, etc...But my all time favorite artist is Andy Grammer. I've seen him 5 times in concert and he is such a down to earth wholesome man. My favorite song of his is probably 85. It talks about how we should spend more time with the ones we love instead of chasing money.

 8. What's your favorite book? 

Again, I have a lot. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, etc... but my all time favorite series is the Tiger's Curse Saga. I relate to the main character in SO many ways. I've read the books soo many times. 

9. What's the best piece of advice for a newcomer?

 Join book clubs. Read, comment, and vote on others works. People won't know you are reading their work unless you let them know. Voting and commenting is an amazing way to meet new users and establish relationships. Also, be willing to accept criticism. Grow from it!

 10. Are you still surprised when you earn a new vote, follow or comment?

Still surprised by votes, comments, and follows? Absolutely! It always makes me curious as to how they found me. I'm always looking to make new friends.  

11. What's your favorite thing about wattpad? 

Growing in my writing. So many people have offered advice to help me take my novel a step further. The friends I have made here will stick with me forever. 

Request time!

Dog Days is the book I would love everyone to check out! It is my pride a joy and I have worked hard on it. It is a zombie book so beware of gore, but it offers a fresh take on the apocalypse.

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