interview #39 @EchoeOtto

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1. What's your favorite book?

Weirdly enough, I don't have an all-time favorite book. There's many that I love, but for such different reasons that they're impossible to compare. I can tell you that the best book I read in 2018 was Atlanta Burns by Chuck Wendig. Atlanta herself is both wonderfully heroic and seriously broken, the plot's nonstop kicka$$, and there's a solid moral message about standing up to bullies and accepting people for their differences. She saves dogs. She fights neo-nazis. She learns about race and sexuality and family and friendship. It's amazing.

2. How would you spend a rainy day?

It rarely rains here, but assuming I'm at home, I'll run to the nearest window and open it. I love feeling that cool mist on my face and the smell of the petrichor once it gets going. The sound is definitely the best part though — something about it is super relaxing and focusing. I like to read or get work done while I'm listening to it.

3. What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I'm still reeling from Blaqk Audio's latest single. The song's called "The Viles" and I'm kind of obsessed; they've mixed a little more EDM into their Depeche Mode meets New Order meets Daft Punk meets She Wants Revenge sound, and I'm really excited about what this means for the direction of the upcoming album. In case you don't know, Blaqk Audio is an electronica side-project from two of the members of my all-time favorite band, AFI. I just picked up tickets to see them in Los Angeles when their new tour starts. Can't wait.

4. What's your favorite snack?

Fresh homemade bread with goat cheese and honey. Last year, I learned how to bake my own bread and it still feels like some kind of black magic. I like to experiment, so sometimes the bread comes out... wrong... in so many ways. But most of the time it's surprisingly delicious for how simple it is. Add in some tangy, creamy cheese and that golden sugar goo and I melt. ... Great. Now I'm hungry.

5. If you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

Ditto with the last question about choosing a favorite author, however for this one, I'll go with Ursula LeGuin. Not only is her writing phenomenal, but she was a trailblazer for women writing speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy). Unfortunately, she died recently. If I could, I'd ask her:

What kept you going when you didn't think you could?

Writing can be very uncertain, so it's important to know how to face both the ups and downs when they come.

6. What's your dream vacation?

Me, my husband, our two cats, a cabin in the middle of the woods, speedy internet access, and lots of delicious food.

7. Who is your favorite celebrity?

Davey Havok. I'm a huge fan of almost all his work. That might have been obvious from my answer to #2.

8. Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Oh, definitely. Nobody's obligated to read my stuff (well... maybe except for my husband). When my story Depths was featured on Tapas's homepage for about a week, I was totally unprepared for the volume of response that it got. Because of that, I was a little more prepared when my story Dreams of Scale and Bone was featured on Wattpad.

Even though I knew there'd likely be an increase of traffic, that doesn't guarantee that anybody's going to like what they see. I don't take for granted that I'm going to get X number of votes or nice comments or whatever because honestly, you never know. When somebody seems to genuinely enjoy something I've made, it makes my day.

9. What's your schedule regarding your writing?

I'm still trying to figure out the best schedule, so it's always changing. Generally, I write whenever I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally capable, which means after work, during work, during the weekend ... whenever. However, you can't always rely on being in the right mood to write, so I set out a minimum of several hours every weekend where I'll sit down and write whether or not I feel like it. Writing for Wattpad has helped me become more disciplined and regular with my writing, but I still have a long way to go.

10 What's one Wattpad goal?

It's important to set both achievable goals and dream goals for yourself. Here's one of each:

Achievable goal: get all of Dreams of Scale and Bone written and posted.

Dream goal: win a Watty. ♥ *sighs* Wouldn't that be nice? It's extremely unlikely, but that won't stop me from trying.

11 What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Write. Don't let uncertainty or perfectionism or any other type of fear stop you; you can't get better if you don't try. As Jake the Dog said in Adventure Time, "Dude, sucking' at something is the first step to being sort of good at something."

Request time

If you're a fan of Fantastic Beasts, fantasy religions, race relations, and politics, supernatural creatures, awkward people going on first dates, or anything steampunk, check out Dreams of Scale and Bone. It just might be your kind of thing.

Official summary:

"Drika should have been used to that stillness, that waxy pale skin, but this child wasn't like the cadavers she dissected in class. Though his wrist was cold, he had a faint pulse."

Medical student Drika van Meer investigates a boy's inexplicable coma. With help from her arranged date, she uncovers a conspiracy involving the Holy Imperial College, the Prince of Orange, and a mysterious creature with a taste for blood.

 With help from her arranged date, she uncovers a conspiracy involving the Holy Imperial College, the Prince of Orange, and a mysterious creature with a taste for blood

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