interview #7 @midnight_wanderlust

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1 What's your favorite movie?

My all-time favorite movie would be Now You See Me.

2 How would you advise a Wattpad newbie?

I would advise a Wattpad newbie to first indulge into reading the Wattpad classics and then if interested maybe try a hand at writing. But I would definitely prefer reading plenty of books first to get an idea of this Wattpad world. 

3 What's your favorite snack?

My favorite snack would definitely be Nachos with salsa. 

4 If you could hang out with your favorite celebrity for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I would choose Cole Sprouse and I would probably travel around with him.

5 What's the best way to spend a rainy day?

To go for a nice long drive (as cliché as that sounds)

6 What is your favorite book?

After by Anna Todd. Nothing can beat that.

7 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

It's actually a tie between Wanted by HunterHayes and Say Something by A Great Big World.

8 What's the best way to handle a bully?

To show them that you are not weak. Probably speaking up for yourself.

9 If you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

I would choose Anna Todd of course and I would ask her where she gets all theinspiration from and what all to keep in mind when you are going through awriter's block.

10 What's your favorite holiday and why? 

Since I am an Indian, my favorite holiday would be Diwali- the festival of lightsbecause I get to eat many sweets during that time and I am a big foodie.

11 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Yeah, it happens like every time. It feels a little weird considering that someoneout there whom you don't know anything about is showering so much love on yourpiece of writing and following your book as you progress. I guess I live fortheir comments and votes. And surprise would definitely be an understatement. Iliterally sit there with my mouth agape while I squeal from inside so yeah,that's about it.

Request time!

Okay, so I basically just have one book called Fallen Hard. This is something slightly different from the many cliché books we have read. I suppose my book will give you an insight to the real-world relationships and how they are far from the one's we fantasize about. It will give you a new perspective. I cannot say much but all I would give out right now is that this book may look perfect from the outside but as you delve further into it, you will get a new outlook on relationships. I hope many people would be able to relate to it

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