interview #10 @LylacDaydreams

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1 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

The fact that you get to create stories here and could possibly get discovered andbe a published author one day. 

2 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I write every time I get a new idea whetherit's for a chapter or a new story so basically almost every other day.

3 what's your dream vacation?

A trip to Europe with my closest friends. 

4 how would you advise a Wattpad newbie?

Don't be afraid to write your stories. 

5 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Yes, definitely. 

6 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I'll probably scream and shout and get yelled at by my mother for acting crazy thenI'll tell my best friend and celebrate with food later

7 what's one Wattpad goal?

My current goal is to earn a thousand reads.

8 what inspired you to write?

Something my teacher told me. She said I had the potential to write good stories, so Igave it a go and I don't regret listening to her.

9 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Favorite holiday would be Christmas. I get presents and a vacation, what more can anyone ask for?

10 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do ?

I'd choose to hang out with Taylor Swift because I really like her, and hercats are adorable. I would probably just hang out at her place all day, playingwith the cats and taking tons of pictures with her, maybe watch a movie or two.Also, get her autograph, that's a must.L

11 what's your favorite snack?

Dark chocolate.

Request time!

I would recommend people to read The Princess's Handbook because I think it's rather different than your usual fairytales. The protagonist a.k.a the princess is very strong, and I think this a story that would appeal to readers who like the idea of an unconventional royal romance between a commoner and a princess.

a the princess is very strong, and I think this a story that would appeal to readers who like the idea of an unconventional royal romance between a commoner and a princess

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