interview #16 @BitterSweetAlpha

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1 what's the best way to spend a day?

I love spending the day with my friends, I can't stand being alone and they help me laugh on bad days, they also give me amazing ideas for stories!

2 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

My school starts really early, I wake up, eat breakfast, walk to the bus, go to school for eight hours, go home, do homework, help with dinner, clean the kitchen, take a shower and go to bed! It's a pretty busy day for me other than writing so I try my best to get the best story for the readers that I can do!

3 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

The best advice I can give to a newcomer...I'm pretty new myself actually! But thebest I can say is don't give up! It's NOT about the views or the vote, it'sabout the joy that you bring for the readers. So don't give up!!❤️✨❤️

4 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

To celebrate a publishing deal, I would buy a lot of pizzas and give it to my friends and thank everyone who was there for me when I needed ideas. Honestly it would be a dream come true!

5 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I love the song Gallows by Katie Garfield and the song CornfeildChase by HansZimmer in the movie interstellar. I can't choose between the two!

6 Who is your favorite celebrity?

My favorite celebrity/actor is Chris Prat, he does amazing in acting and is reallyfunny! It just catches my attention when I see him on tv!

7 what's your favorite book?

My favorite book it actually part of a series. The book is called The 1st to Die, it's a murder mystery and the author truly has a talent.

8 what's one Wattpad goal?

My Wattpad goal is to inspire others, honestly, I want others to shine brightunder the spotlight and succeed!

9 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

I'm very supervised when I gain a follow, vote, or comment because I don't know what I did to deserve it...but I always say—Thank you for the follow/vote/comment on ____ it means the world to me!

~Much Love @BitterSweetAlpha

10 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

If I could gain advice from my favorite author (James Patterson)...I just wantthem to tell me what I did wrong actually...I know strange request.

11 what's your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving! It's an American holiday and I get to spendtime with those I love!

request time!

One of my books Star Dust is a book that I'm really proud of. It's about Time and space, war and memories, fate and destiny. But everything is not what it seems to be .

I hope you guys can check it out!

~Much Love @BitterSweetAlpha

~Much Love  @BitterSweetAlpha

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